» Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:01 am
Word spreads around a company like that. It's certain that someone besides the devs know what's happening. I believe they are all under strict policy to say nothing. In their eyes its better to ignore the masses, role out a major patch and expect forgiveness later, than to keep us up to date.
I've heard they are already talking about DLC, problem is no one cares, because that DLC as far as we know will be just as buggy.
Granted, lying or simply sating everyone, doesn't help progress, but ignoring it only makes matters worse. This is why the devs of most Indy games have decent reputations, take Duskers for example, every Friday the dude broadcasts a Twitch feed updating everyone on progress.
I don't expect Bethesda to ever be as gracious as that, but they could at least pop their head in once and a while. Can you honestly tell me you prefer this silence?