Great game...played it since day one and still playing it everyday after work...taking my sweet time playing it slow...ain't no dragon or nothing going to rush me (will take a year to finish game). Enjoyed the animal hunts for pelts and mining for ores to level up my smithing skill. Yeah, you can trash Cabela's hunting game...this game has it all...epic adventure, hunting, dungeon crawling, love...wait did I say Love? That's the only thing missing from this game people. Yo my bothers, you got cheap love in this game, but i ain't complaining about that since life is hard and short as the game says...but where are the lovely ladies we can marry, eh BETHESDA? Why can I not choose any girl in the game to wed and make my adventuring/fantasy life blissful (not that I'm unhappy with my lovely wife of 1 year, it's only a game right). But still, BETHESDA...ya can do better bro. Why cheat us like this? Ain't fair. It's a joke man...for all the pretty faces in the game like Vex, Astrid, Annekke Crag-Jumper, and the many NPCs are unavailable for marriage as they are already taken or will not submit to my RING OF MARA despite me wearing it. So my brothers at've not played fair as you got the power to create the perfect spouse for our lonely hero to come home to now and then but you've chosen not to. The few girls in the game that are acceptable?...Lydia (bugged for me can't marry), Muiri (bugged and have to proceed with dark brotherhood quest), Sylgia (like her, but the mining clothes and pickaxe have got to go), and lastly...Aelo...would be okay (i don't like her voice) but you guys had to mess up her face with war paint. So yeah, i'm not on the PC so I can't do nothing about it brothers. When this game's screen shots came out, I said to myself...I'm going to find that pretty blonde bard girl in the game and marry her...only to never find her anywhere and having to settle with less than perfect spouses really brings tears to the eyes. BETHESDA, I have one thing to say to you: BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME. Yeah, you guys over there at BETHESDA studios heard me right...don't be laughing this ain't funny man. Even Fable has gotten it better. All I'm saying is giive us the option or deliver a DLC of hot ladies (along with wardrobe) and I'll be more than happy. Yeah, I said I'll buy it....just to make my lonely wandering life easier and merrier and a pretty face to come home to. That's all I'm asking. Look at how good looking I am and I have to settle with what you guys have given us.