» Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:30 pm
I voted for more creatures, better AI overall (both NPC and creatures) and better stealth.
Edit: But I really want all of them!
Edit #2: I want to see packs of wolves, pair of bears, families of boars. Also lots and lots of NEW and different creatures, from straight fantasy like Morrowind and Shivering isle! Fish in the water (waay too empty), birds in the sky (waaaay too empty).
Overall, a fully funtional eco-system of the creatures. Each creature should have pray and predators, until there is a superb creatures that has no natural enemy ina region, which would dominate that territory. Also, if I systematically kill only a specific creature types, changes should happen in the eco-system.
For example: If I kill deer, harmless fishes, harmless birds etc, that has the role of being eaten, the predators should become more violent and start attacking small villages they normally would leave alone. Their number should also decrese, as food starts to run low, thus making the surviving ones stronger.
If I however kill predators (wolves for example, pirayas in the water, sharks, some huge meat eating bird and a fictional deathclaw in TES), the pray should become more numerous. The predators should decrease in numbers numbers but have plenty of food, making them stay in their territory.
However, this would only happen if I only kill one part of the eco system, and that one alot without pausing in for a day.