We are aiming for a much, much higher number of companions that you can hire or they become your friends and they come with you. The general direction is to make it a bit more dynamic, and have more people that you can decide to have come with you. And in that we sacrifice them having a lot of depth or personality or individual stories. And there still will be some like that. But that’s kind of the direction we’re headed right now. We don’t know the exact number of NPCs in the world that could become your companion, but we’re hoping it’s a big number.”
-----7) Will we be able to have relationships with the NPCs, romantic or otherwise?
Bruce: Absolutely! You make friends with people by doing things for them. Friends in the game will treat you differently. Some of them will even agree to go with you into dungeons and on adventures. You can even get married. If you own a house, your spouse will move in with you.
16) Do companions have skill and perk trees we can train?
Bruce: No, you only manage your own. Though companions often have certain perks so they behave different or better.
Todd suggests Skyrim mounts are currently being developed, but not sure if they will be back. Im guessing they will be. Says that it would be weird not to have horses, but they want them to feel more like an animal and not a jeep.
In relation to horses and other mounts, it is something we want, but we are still experimenting with how. We exclude them, definitely not, but we will ensure that the game adds something. Horses have evolved much in the game, and we will do it properly if we choose to include them.
In relation to horses and other mounts, it is something we want, but we are still experimenting with how. We exclude them, definitely not, but we will ensure that the game adds something. Horses have evolved much in the game, and we will do it properly if we choose to include them.
Skyrim E3 Video, nuff said.
I can't remember anything else they said they were iffy on but actually got done, theres no news on Spell creation ;p can you guys come up with more? things they said weren't solid on but got it in or said was one thing and is fact different.....and I mean Better