they worked out they make more money from consoles!!
so they decide to abandon the PC priority and focus on Consoles...
so they make a game that is designed for 5 yr old tech thus, making the game in a whole, that is lacking in the content and in graphics
then release a game that consoles cant handle properly because of age old tech
and PC have to deal with limited content and limited graphics
all in the name of more profits!!
fair enough the world evolves around money!!! especially in an american capitalist society
but seems todays mentality is "produce less, demand more, and we will fix it later"
well i like the game!.......but...... it is definitely lacking in many areas
if this is bethesdas new policy then i can only see this trend occuring more often and the future games to have less quality for the sake of bigger profits!
i have my doubts that western RPGs (bethesdas RPGs) will recover with this attitude, and western RPGs will just become Action Sandbox games
anyways my 2 cents worth, so ill end with a question!
what do u think the future bethesda "so called" RPGs will be like?
> a return to the RPGs of old!
> pure action sandbox games to create more profit!