Bethesda bringing mods to consoles?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:21 am

You and very few others, as a modder myself I would happily give freely my mods to the console gamers, but the moment it becomes commercial paid DLC I'll start hitting all my mods with copywrite, mods are a free resource and should remain so.

Oh wow this kid actually thinks he can copyright mods. ROFL. Besides you would shut the [censored] up and sing a new tune of they offered you a small amount of money for their mods (which they DO NOT have to do anyways)
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:59 pm

Call me crazy but I kinda like only being able to play the vanilla game + dlc.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:58 am

Well, actually, I've downloaded modded saves from my PC to Xbox via USB, they usually include all shouts, a LOT of gold, all armors, ect, ect. But, not as cool as some PC mods I find laying around.

If their going to put them up on the Marketplace, it needs to be free. If they were a simple, what, 5$? Maybe, but free is nice.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:58 am

Call me crazy but I kinda like only being able to play the vanilla game + dlc.

yes you are crazy but i respect a crazy man who realizes it.... but mods are optional so you wouldnt have to use them thats the great part about them!
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:30 pm

Well, actually, I've downloaded modded saves from my PC to Xbox via USB, they usually include all shouts, a LOT of gold, all armors, ect, ect. But, not as cool as some PC mods I find laying around.

If their going to put them up on the Marketplace, it needs to be free. If they were a simple, what, 5$? Maybe, but free is nice.

those are gamesave hacks that you are useing that give you All dragon shouts, lots of gold, and armors.

mods add something to the game that wasnt in the original
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:41 pm

those are gamesave hacks that you are useing that give you All dragon shouts, lots of gold, and armors.

mods add something to the game that wasnt in the original

And TES games are moddable on hacked consoles, proving its entirely possible. Problem?
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:48 pm

Nope. The only thing at all that is better about playing games on the PC are better graphics and modability.


Gaming is extremly much better on consoles.
But the PC can today bring with it better graphics and mods on top of this.

From next consoles, there is no reason what so ever for any serious gamer to use PCs.
Im also sure they will release from Microsoft so mods can be used but.....that might cause some other complications AND conflicts with the software on the consoles.
And thats another reason why they might not want to do it.

its a whole different ballgame programming and doing mods for the PC then for the Console.

And last but not least: What business win is there in releasing mods? Nothing.
People will stay with one game for too long instead of invest in a new game. And thats bad for business.
And as such, is another reason why mods wont come to consoles.: Bad for business.

On the other hand: More people might buy the game later down the road.

Look at Morrowind. It sells like nothing before today due to the latest mods in tweaking graphics, that ans the release of Skyrim that lighted interest in the genre.
If there was no mods, Morrowind would not have sold as much now, but it took a few years for another sell to come.

Anyway...........I think they should release mods for Console and Microsoft to take the plugs out of their ears. But I think we need to wait until next console release to start seeing these things.

Last but not least, as per above: Gaming on Consoles is lightyears infront of PCs.
I have been an avid PC user for 30 years, and got a console 1.5 years ago. I never, ever thought I would, but thought I try for fun and try with some friends.
My only regret: That I didnt buy one earlier.
PC gamers with no console experience have no say in this cause they dont understand.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:57 am

And TES games are moddable on hacked consoles, proving its entirely possible. Problem?

ive mentioned that in previous posts i was just pointing out that what was mentioned wasnt a mod but a gamesave hack....

i know that Skyrim (and other TES/FO games) is moddable on consoles if you had read my previous posts you would know that....

so no no problem... unless you count other peoples illiteracy
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:50 am

No for consoles are a far inferior product and their prehistoric hardware couldn't handle the simplest of mods :spotted owl: As a console of player, I would love to see mods, but I doubt it due to Microsoft being well you know....
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jessica sonny
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:40 am

I think mods on consoles would be great!

Unfortunately, I can see the mods causing issues. If console users start getting crashes on start-up or corrupt saves, there will be a [censored] storm on the forums. If I was Bethesda, I wouldn't do it.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:13 am

If hypothetically that user mods were allowed to be used on consoles....

Will a PC Skyrim mod work as is on a console?
Will there be any QA required?
Who is going to do customer support?
How will consoles deal with load order conflicts?
What about mods not designed for a console?
Who is going to be blamed when someone's console crashes due to a poorly made mod?
What will happen if someone tries to load a mod clearly designed for a machine with 50 times the processing power?
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Connor Wing
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:37 am

I think mods on consoles would be great!

Unfortunately, I can see the mods causing issues. If console users start getting crashes on start-up or corrupt saves, there will be a [censored] storm on the forums. If I was Bethesda, I wouldn't do it.

But there endless amounts of " " storms on the forums anyway.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:46 pm

I'm a PC gamer, but I hope Consoles get mods some day.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:10 pm

As much as I hate the pc elitist comments this kind of topic inevitably creates, I don't believe the current gen of consoles could implement mods properly and so therefore at this point it shouldn't happen.
As a ps3 game I'd love to be able to experience the modded games that pc games get to enjoy, but realistically it can't be done properly yet.
Maybe the next gen of consoles will be capable...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:56 pm

lets see. you want any of hte plethora of high res textures/redone texture and such that will make a console catch fire, curse your name and jump out your window in hopes of escaping the pain as its mind cannot handle the awesome. sounds good to me

consoles are like oil companies, slowing down progress for the sake of money.
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adam holden
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:07 am

Anything that brings creativity and people power to the console market is a good thing as far as i am concerned, yes to mods for consoles.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:18 am

It would be nice. Although there would be a lot of legal wrangling, who would own the rights, would money change hands etc etc...

Cant speak for Sony, but I know M$ probably wouldn't be overly keen on something popular that they couldn't financially exploit. Shame they have such a backwards mentality in that respect...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:28 am

lets see. you want any of hte plethora of high res textures/redone texture and such that will make a console catch fire, curse your name and jump out your window in hopes of escaping the pain as its mind cannot handle the awesome. sounds good to me

consoles are like oil companies, slowing down progress for the sake of money.

Wait so you think mods are impossible on consoles because we can't have high res textures?

Furthermore, I challenge you, to give me coherent reasons that can stand up to scrutiny, that consoles are indeed slowing down "progress". Because last I checked, videogames have gained mainstream appeal and acceptance, sales are higher than ever across any genre, videogames as a whole are more lucrative, and coincidentally consoles sales have rose along with these. What exactly have they (consoles) slowed down here? More importantly, aren't new video/graphics cards being released near QUARTERLY for PCs now to match the demand for a constant increase in performance being shown on PC games? Im sorry - I can't see a slowing down of progression. MAybe you could enlighten me without ad hominem or hyperbole. I doubt it though.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:57 am

. Shame they have such a backwards mentality in that respect...

I didn't know acting in a capitalistic way in a capitalist society was backwards.
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Erin S
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:07 am

Xbox Live/Microsoft imposed limitations are a serious barrier for mods, even if they got to the point they could be readily applied. However there are further issues with mods beyond just getting them to your console, namely the very real hardware limitations of the consoles themselves. At some point the hardware can't keep up with the modifications, and, given we already see limitations in the console versions, I'm not sure of how much further they can be pushed - given that Bethesda seems to have pushed them very far indeed already.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:44 pm

I didn't know acting in a capitalistic way in a capitalist society was backwards.

Because sometimes in the long run, putting yourselves out for your customers can lead to increased profits due to customers of your competitors being attracted by such behaviour. Retail 101 son. If Sony allow mods and M$ dont it would honestly have me properly considering jumping ship on the next gen. And I'm already annoyed I cant play Gran Turismo 5. So yes, if its viable and they dont do it, thats a pretty backwards way of thinking for such a massive company.

On the subject of consoles holding PCs back, aren't devs given the latest tech in considerable advance of it hitting the market...?
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u gone see
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:21 pm

You can forget completely that texture & graphical mods in general will come to consoles, graphics are dumbed down because of said consoles limitations in the first place.
And u can just forget that microsoft will allow mods on the xbox.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:37 am

Because sometimes in the long run, putting yourselves out for your customers can lead to increased profits due to customers of your competitors being attracted by such behaviour. Retail 101 son. If Sony allow mods and M$ dont it would honestly have me properly considering jumping ship on the next gen. And I'm already annoyed I cant play Gran Turismo 5. So yes, if its viable and they dont do it, thats a pretty backwards way of thinking for such a massive company.

On the subject of consoles holding PCs back, aren't devs given the latest tech in considerable advance of it hitting the market...?

So what you meant to say was not "backwards". No you seem to even see where Microsoft would be coming from should they choose to charge for mods on Skyrim if that were to ever happen, you just view the move as perhaps - not as strategic as it could be. Certainly not backwarrds. Glad we got another case of hyperbole solved.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:57 am

So what you meant to say was not "backwards". No you seem to even see where Microsoft would be coming from should they choose to charge for mods on Skyrim if that were to ever happen, you just view the move as perhaps - not as strategic as it could be. Certainly not backwarrds. Glad we got another case of hyperbole solved.

No, see I wouldn't mind MS charging, not at all. As at least a portion of that would find it's way to the modders I think that would be wonderful. What I find backwards is the fact they'll most likely flat out refuse to do any, instead of cherry picking the best mods that would be viable. Yes it would take time and effort to find those, but I think it would show a nice amount of goodwill and a desire to increase peoples enjoyment on their platform. I think you misunderstood me sir!
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:33 pm

No, see I wouldn't mind MS charging, not at all. As at least a portion of that would find it's way to the modders I think that would be wonderful. What I find backwards is the fact they'll most likely flat out refuse to do any, instead of cherry picking the best mods that would be viable. Yes it would take time and effort to find those, but I think it would show a nice amount of goodwill and a desire to increase peoples enjoyment on their platform. I think you misunderstood me sir!

I'm having trouble understanding how you'd find a system that let's Microsoft profit off modders to be in any way beneficial, especially given their insistence on charging for downloadable content that is free on any other system - it's purely self serving and only serves to milk money out of the pockets of people that don't know any better. You wouldn't be supporting the modders at all, and on top of that you'd end up with limited content due to god knows how much not being able to make it through Microsoft's censors.
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