Console idiots and ignorant kids are the main reason i'm ashamed to call myself a console owner. Guys, seriously... lets educate the abundance of ignorance thats in this forum. Le'ts see... PC to console... thats exactly like saying formula 1 car to go kart. Consoles will NEVER, EVER be as strong as PC's. There is absolutely NO way that will ever happen. PC gaming dying? LOL you guys are idiots. I own an xbox, but i've seen what a PC is capable of doing and I'm going to be honest, as it stands now, there is ABSOLUTELY no competition. PCs have only been getting stronger and will always be stronger than consoles. Pure logic and proof with a simple search of google, or any of your preferred search sites will confirm any and all questions/doubts. If Skyrim was optimized for one of the best PCs available at this time(since, xbox 360 and ps3 are the "best" (lol) that consoles have at this time...) that skyrim would probably undoubtedly have photorealistic textures, realistic physics, 10000000x smarter AI than consoles would ever be able to produce, a world that would be like 10 oblivion worlds put together, etcetc...
but don't take my word for it, and i wont argue with ignorance... look this [censored] up. Xbox specs, ps3 specs, pc specs. You will get your answer. Besides, logically thinking... if someone would EVER want to make a game worth making, why would he want to limit his creation to the limits of ANY console?
/endrant I apologize to any innocent people here that are just minding their business and happen to fall into this post. I just see this console ignorance all over the place and it makes me sick to my stomach. Its funny how the industry subliminally programs the weakminded to prefer a system that will milk its customers out of every single bit of cash for the dumbest things PC's get for free: mods disguised as "Downloadable content".
Dont EVEN get me started on the sims 3... The sims 3 comes out for xbox 360 59.99$ plus tax JUST for the sims 3 game. The sims 3 pets comes out... another 59.99$ oh, but you DONT get to add the stuff that was in the original sims 3 game, or your game save... no... you have to pay extra money to start ALLL over again, without The sims 3 original stuff there. I think thats where the tradeoff is fair... to pay around 1000$ for a very good gaming PC then just enjoy the downhill ride, as opposed to paying what? 300 dollars for a console with [censored] graphics, very limited capabilities, and to pay for downloadable content that pc's get for free.
Agree with you.
But many console owners want their $300 xbox360 or ps3 to be just as powerful as a $1000 PC. So how?
Developers want to contend console kiddies so the only way is by limiting what the PC can do in their games. Limiting graphics, UI, and other features.
This gives the consoles players an illusion that their $300 console can do just as good as a $1000 PCs.
And why would the console players actually believe that? Kids only believe what they want to believe.