Bethesda bringing mods to consoles?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:02 am

If only MS would allow mods like how they allowed moded game maps/types for Halo 3 :sadvaultboy:
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:03 pm

Obviously, being a console player, I vote 'yes'. But I really doubt it'll happen - as I believe gamesas has already stated they will not bring mods to consoles. But we can hope. BTW, OP, might be nice to show a little love to us Xbox users. It is 'consoleS' for a reason...
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Jack Walker
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:55 am

I'm indifferent about mods. I don't normally mod things even when given the option. The only game I ever remember modding was the original Diablo back in the 1990s, and only for multiplayer.

Doubt XBOX would allow it.

Who is that? I'm familiar with no people by that name. I only know of the Xbox brand of consoles, which can't allow anything because it's an inanimate object produced by Microsoft, which is a "who" since they're a collective of people.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:40 pm

No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.

Dude, shut up.

On topic, I'd love it, but it won't happen. The interview to me seemed like a "we'd really like it if" combined with the developers saying "we'd like to, but no".
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:32 am

Heck yes. I'm sick of not being able to enjoy the post-vanilla experience.
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Rodney C
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:48 am

I believe that Beth will allow console players mod their games once they get rid of the pc platform.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:17 am

If mods are to be used in consoles, how would they deal with large complicated mods that would require external programs like the script extender, or Wrye Bash?

As far as I can tell, console players would be limited in their choice of mods. However, I'm pretty sure many are content with having mods available to them at all.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:59 am

The problem is is that Sony and Microsoft refuse to let people mod content they are the problem.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:33 pm

Of course I'd like it, but it'll never happen.

I can't see MS ever allowing that sort of content over XBL.
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:40 am

As a PC gamer, I say a resounding "YES!" to mods on consoles. Why do I care? Because if consoles can use mods, then that can encourage game developers to release mod tools for the PC versions of their games. Then, we PC gamers can make mods for ourselves and our console friends, promoting both versions of the game. People interested in making mods will get the PC version, and those who only want to play them will get the console version. In the end, I think everyone wins :).

Also, to encourage PC gamers to feel that their games are worth modding, perhaps they will put a bit more effort into their PC ports as well (PC- specific UI, higher res textures, AA support, Crossfire support, etc). Better quality ports mean more PC gamers, eh?
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:20 pm

If only MS would allow mods like how they allowed moded game maps/types for Halo 3 :sadvaultboy:

Those aren't mods. That's using a map editor and game type editor included in the game. Totally different.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:52 am

While I would enjoy this very much as an Xbox user, I still know this will likely never happen. If it did happen everyone better get ready for Microsoft to charge 1800 points a pop for them. Hopefully you run into a special sale that brings it down to 1500 points. All about the money with those guys.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:20 am

If you can get data to your HD on XBOX you can mod, just do not expect your XBOX Live account to stay active for very long. could also keep your box from getting on XBOX Live ever again.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:00 am

Problem is consoles could not handle mods. The games just run as they are, add mods and it wont. Mods hurt performance after a while. And texture MODs especially. The textures in the game are pathetic because its what consoles can handle.

get a pc :D more customizable experience. Oblivion was actually the reason I built a gaming PC(my first anyway).
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Tyler F
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:24 pm

I'm not 100% convinced MS would be against this. The reason I say that is XNA. MS has dumped a lot of money into enabling common folks to make, trade and even sell self made Xbox games via XNA. If they allow, support, hell even embrace the creating and selling of games on their system, over their network, why would simple modifications/additions to an existing game be out of the question?

Hell, I remember in the dark ages of the original Xbox the "Official" Xbox magazine would have DVDs with Mods on them for popular games. I don't see this as impossible or "Never going to happen". I do bet we'd have to join some sort of bs MS community to download them. I'm also sure there would be a "group" to join that charged a fee to create Mods, and they would be developed on PC and uploaded to the Xbox Mod group.

Or, I could be 100% wrong. Either way, IMHO it's not a dead horse...yet.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:20 am

I hope this never happens, Bethesda is already focusing more and more of their attention on consoles (need I remind you about the UI disaster, amongst other issues) so if they let mods happen then they might as well cancel all future PC versions in the future...which I'm sure they would just love to do
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:05 pm

... ok would i like to see mods on consoles? yes!

the likelyhood of mods legitimately coming to consoles? slim to zilch.

are mods possible on consoles? yes but it requires some less than legitimate console software modifications... but mods for skyrim,morrowind,and Oblivion work perfectly fine on the ps3 as long as you dont up the textures/ram intensive scripts... and before you call bull i have done it with bolth oblivion and morrowind and have been looking at skyrims code waiting for the creation kit....

but the main reason why there will not be mods for this game on consoles is that Micro$oft and $ony stand to make too much money off of DLC that they wouldnt make if mods were possible (dlc is usually a 60/40 split between developer and the network owner in the game studios favor)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:27 pm

Why would you not want to see mods on console? I'm very surprised there are 31 people who would not like to see mods on console! Let alone surprised to imagine what the reasoning behind a "no" answer would be.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:23 am

Ofc you would. I would question the 33 that said no. How could this possibly negatively effect anybody?
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:47 am

Console idiots and ignorant kids are the main reason i'm ashamed to call myself a console owner. Guys, seriously... lets educate the abundance of ignorance thats in this forum. Le'ts see... PC to console... thats exactly like saying formula 1 car to go kart. Consoles will NEVER, EVER be as strong as PC's. There is absolutely NO way that will ever happen. PC gaming dying? LOL you guys are idiots. I own an xbox, but i've seen what a PC is capable of doing and I'm going to be honest, as it stands now, there is ABSOLUTELY no competition. PCs have only been getting stronger and will always be stronger than consoles. Pure logic and proof with a simple search of google, or any of your preferred search sites will confirm any and all questions/doubts. If Skyrim was optimized for one of the best PCs available at this time(since, xbox 360 and ps3 are the "best" (lol) that consoles have at this time...) that skyrim would probably undoubtedly have photorealistic textures, realistic physics, 10000000x smarter AI than consoles would ever be able to produce, a world that would be like 10 oblivion worlds put together, etcetc...

but don't take my word for it, and i wont argue with ignorance... look this [censored] up. Xbox specs, ps3 specs, pc specs. You will get your answer. Besides, logically thinking... if someone would EVER want to make a game worth making, why would he want to limit his creation to the limits of ANY console?

/endrant I apologize to any innocent people here that are just minding their business and happen to fall into this post. I just see this console ignorance all over the place and it makes me sick to my stomach. Its funny how the industry subliminally programs the weakminded to prefer a system that will milk its customers out of every single bit of cash for the dumbest things PC's get for free: mods disguised as "Downloadable content".

Dont EVEN get me started on the sims 3... The sims 3 comes out for xbox 360 59.99$ plus tax JUST for the sims 3 game. The sims 3 pets comes out... another 59.99$ oh, but you DONT get to add the stuff that was in the original sims 3 game, or your game save... no... you have to pay extra money to start ALLL over again, without The sims 3 original stuff there. I think thats where the tradeoff is fair... to pay around 1000$ for a very good gaming PC then just enjoy the downhill ride, as opposed to paying what? 300 dollars for a console with [censored] graphics, very limited capabilities, and to pay for downloadable content that pc's get for free.

Agree with you.

But many console owners want their $300 xbox360 or ps3 to be just as powerful as a $1000 PC. So how?

Developers want to contend console kiddies so the only way is by limiting what the PC can do in their games. Limiting graphics, UI, and other features.
This gives the consoles players an illusion that their $300 console can do just as good as a $1000 PCs.

And why would the console players actually believe that? Kids only believe what they want to believe.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:55 am

microsoft says no.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:41 pm

I'm against doing anything to make console gaming an attractive alternative to PCs as long as long as it's an exclusive alternative. In other words, I don't care what consoles do as long as it doesn't take development time away from PC, and the only reason I am against consoles getting mods is because it marginalizes me as a customer on a non-console platform. When you come up with a way that would allow consoles to have mods AND increase the the attractiveness of the PC as a development target at the same time so that the PC continues to receive games and proper support, then I will cheer vigorously. Until then, it's either them or me, and I choose me.

So there ya go.

And now somebody will be along to accuse me of being elitist even though they would say exactly the same thing if they were the one being asked to give away something that makes consoles an attractive option.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:20 am

lol @ mods on consoles

Lets be happy with DLC folks.

There is a ton of mods on the ps3 for Borderlands. You use a program called willowtree. So I'm guessing it's not impossible.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:55 pm

The mod scene as it currently exists would die.

Nobody into modding plays these games on console. So console mods would basically devolve into basic tweaks of the game.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:46 am

Hm. I doubt it's possible/probable but it'd be neat if they could experience the same epicness of mods we PC users do. Ah well. :shrug:
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