Bethesda bringing mods to consoles?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:02 am

Although borderlands can be played with mods consoles you still has to use a computer to make the mods.

Here's how:

Also I read somewhere a while back that the game rage was coming out with a disk you can buy on the ID software website that actually allows a user to make mods on the ps3 and use them. So it's 100% possible, we saw it with borderlands. The problem is the major companies surrounding these consoles. Modded weapons on the ps3 for borderlands were a blast. Also one of my favorite modes was a kid who turned the FPS to a very decent 3rd person. Oh and the one that shrunk cars.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:16 am

There is a ton of mods on the ps3 for Borderlands. You use a program called willowtree. So I'm guessing it's not impossible.

... you just confused mods with a gamesave editor.... people like this make me ashamed to call myself a console owner....

and just to clarify for some of the clearly knolegeless pc guys claiming that mods on ps3/x360 would be nothing but minor tweaks are idiots...

consoles can handle mods but they handle them more like a low end PC not like your highend gaming computer texture mods work as long as they are simmilar or lower texture resolutions to the ones being used by the console, where high res textures are unable to be used because of RAM/GPU insufficiency... where adding new dungeons/creatures/citys/quests are completely possible, on the other hand new CPU/RAM intensive scripts could cause the games engine to crash (i.e AI modds)..... so yes your pc is better dont distinguish what can and can not be done on consoles if you have clearly never programed for one...

its not like what im explaining is any use its not like anyones going to listen to someone with actual knowledge on these forums....
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:34 am

No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.

I see no reason why console users shouldn't be able to download and PLAY mods. I do believe that the Creation Kit should be limitd to PC, though. In that way, the PC community will get to feed the mod users of both PC and Console communities.

I think that what would be required is a mod hosting service that is ad-based. Maybe it would stream a video ad that cannot be skipped whenever someone goes to download a mod. That way it pays for itself. I know that in the CS for Morrowind and Oblivion, there were switches in the scripts that governed PC or XBox control interfaces. If a mod would be made available on the hosting service, then that service would need to be able to scan the mods to make sure that the switches for all platforms are covered.

Those who want to develop mods only for the PC could still host them wherever they want.

The reason for requiring a dedicated hosting service is for quality assurance. To make sure that mods downloaded to the consoles actually work. Those who upload broken mods would be prohibited from posting any more. Serious modders in this community will take steps to ensure that everything is working correctly.

The hosting service could also hold the mod in testing mode where volunteers from the 360 and PS3 communities can play through the mod to make sure it works as intended. When both have signed off on it, it would release. That would allow an author to debug any problems with their mod. before it goes full public. The testers would be picked at random. The mod author will need to document everything the mod is supposed to do in checklist form. Testers would run through it and ensure that what they are told and what actually is are the same. Testers would also be advised to reject a mod if they find that it does something more than what they are told and inform the author. Some mod authors like to toss in hidden things. And that is fine for the final release. But testers need to know everything the mod is supposed to do so they can make sure that it does it.

Cross-platform mod development would become closer to actual game development in that there's more at stake than just one's own personal project that they just happen to be sharing with the community.

Just my two septims worth...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:35 am

Of course. There is no legitimate reason for any player to disagree unless its out of being selfish. It would be great to see mods on consoles.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:39 am

Mods will come to the game 100000000% chance for skyrim such mods will come from Bethesda via DLC/Xpac for a price

Public mods have no chance coming to consoles for Skyrim unless you violate your contract with Sony and Microsoft.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:48 pm

Especially since PSN is a more open network and Sony allowed Unreal 3 mods on PS3. What's the status of this? I hope we can get some kind of texture mods as well, that would be awesome. I can see this happening on PS3 because Sony allowed Steamworks from Valve for Portal 2.

Yes please
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:32 pm

Ps3 is linient about this, since it wont effect any multiplayer I 100% think sony will allow them, Xbox though, not in a million years, microsoft is nothing but sticklers
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:23 pm

I see no reason why console users shouldn't be able to download and PLAY mods. I do believe that the Creation Kit should be limitd to PC, though. In that way, the PC community will get to feed the mod users of both PC and Console communities.

In other words, PC modders do all the work and get stuck with increasingly crappy ports as the console versions sell more copies due to their effort. Instead of what we have now, which is: PC modders do all the work and the PC versions sells more copies due to their efforts.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:24 am

Honestly, If I saw beth/microsoft/sony trying to make any type of profit off of a mod I did without me getting a bit, I would simply add something in the readme like "Not for commercial usage" I don't believe we will have mods for skyrim on consoles, you may call me a PC elitist, but I don't believe the consoles can handle a good amount of mods as they are (especially not texture mods) If you are a console user and have never massively modded morrowind/oblivion/other games, don't argue as you do not know what I speak of. Having a good amount of mods in the game often times slows it down and requires very good graphics/processing power to run it at decent speeds. The next generation of consoles (god knows when that will be) could probably handle a good amount of mods for the next TES game but as is I don't see it happening to the current consoles.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:23 pm

Honestly, If I saw beth/microsoft/sony trying to make any type of profit off of a mod I did without me getting a bit, I would simply add something in the readme like "Not for commercial usage" I don't believe we will have mods for skyrim on consoles, you may call me a PC elitist, but I don't believe the consoles can handle a good amount of mods as they are (especially not texture mods) If you are a console user and have never massively modded morrowind/oblivion/other games, don't argue as you do not know what I speak of. Having a good amount of mods in the game often times slows it down and requires very good graphics/processing power to run it at decent speeds. The next generation of consoles (god knows when that will be) could probably handle a good amount of mods for the next TES game but as is I don't see it happening to the current consoles.

If you read the terms of use associated with the CS for Morrowind and Oblivion, I think there is a bit in there which clearly states that anything we create with their tools is THEIR property and subject to disposal as they see fit. So IF they were to package a bunch of user created mods with one of their expansions released for consoles, nothing we say contrary to that will matter. Now if such a condition is NOT present, then it will need to be in the Skyrim Creation Kit's terms to cover the possibility that our mods may find their way onto consoles either via a direct download or bundled with DLC
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:42 am

If they tried to "force" that on me, either I would try my hardest to make it impossible to run on the consoles (must integrate it with high def textures!) or sadly I would probably be angry enough not to release any mods for the community (They would probably lose more modders by forcing that on them than they would gain out of it)
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:56 am

Any and all content made off the CK is at Beth disposal with or without the creator(s) permission you are using their tools they provided you as well as their game to create it for so ya any mod out there can be sold and with advertisment backing it up it could make a profit but doing such takes a lot work from legal issues to hardware issues to just optimization overall of said mod. But as I said before DLC/Expansion packs = the only mods (allowed) 360/PS3 will get. Access to a modding community such as Nexus will not happen at all there are just way to many issues involved by doing such.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:30 am

If you read the terms of use associated with the CS for Morrowind and Oblivion, I think there is a bit in there which clearly states that anything we create with their tools is THEIR property and subject to disposal as they see fit. So IF they were to package a bunch of user created mods with one of their expansions released for consoles, nothing we say contrary to that will matter. Now if such a condition is NOT present, then it will need to be in the Skyrim Creation Kit's terms to cover the possibility that our mods may find their way onto consoles either via a direct download or bundled with DLC

I can guarantee you, if Bethesda enforce that kind of terms of use, the only result is that they can get the first batch of mods and sell them as DLCs, but they won't get the second batch as no modders will be willing to mod anymore.

Or they will still mod, but they'll only circlulate it among their firends and never release it publicly. And definitely make sure Bethesda can't get their hands on it.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:52 pm

@jelf the terms and conditions does in fact include such, and the reason why the you posted scenario does not happen is money from obtaining such mod working optimizing such mod testing that mod repeat till it fits with consoles then publish it and advetise it as well as buy space for it on PSN and XBL networks.

Legal issues also have a major effect on it as well, posting nudity mods might sell but it cannot be posted on either networks. Majority of the mods are much more trouble then they are worth which is why Beth usually creates their own mods in house so they know its optimized or have a clue how it needs to be so it does work and works well with their own story from their main game.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:02 pm

Doubt XBOX would allow it.

Yeah and Sony has enough problems trying to keep from being hacked, I am sure they would go for player made mods, which I doubt.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:50 pm

Uhm..I'm pretty sure mods just wouldn't work on consoles. Try getting FCOM on a 360. >_>
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:23 am

No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.

logic, its flawless
"mods should remain on PC otherwise no one will game on PC"

most gamers are already on console, i doubt any developer sets out to make a PC game then port to console anymore its the other way around, yes mods are the only real downside to console and anyone who thinks it should say on PC is either
A stupid
B convinced it won't happen ( and it is probably true)

i would love for modding to be on console, of course it would be much much more limmited then PC because you cannot suddenly make the game require double the ram of processing power on console, but many things could be done on console
adding wildlife, making certain items, enemies, other stuff stronger
adding more items to craft
and many others, could all work on console its just impossible to get it over there.
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Rach B
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:02 am

It would be cool, but they may have to limit what type of mods can be added to the game. With some mods, like F-com in Oblivion, it often involves reinstalling and overwriting things which can't really be done on the xbox.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:55 am

Both consoles have a total of 512mb RAM. It's a miracle that they can even run modern games at a standard in the neighbourhood of PC low settings, I doubt they'd be able to run anything extra that wasn't specifically made for them.

That being said, I don't really care if they get mods ported over, although it'd never happen unless Bethesda bought the mods from the modders, as they have to pay to put things on XBL/PSN and they sure as hell wouldn't make a loss for anyone's sake. If they want to charge for it, they'd need to buy the rights, or at least a licence.

If you're one of those PC players who thinks mods are the only reason to play on PC, and so they shouldn't go to consoles, you need to find a better reason or stop playing on PC. Everything about gaming is better on PC, if you can't see that you might as well just get a console.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:09 pm

No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.

And arrogant, selfish PC elitists like you are the only ones who voted "no" in the poll.

Nothing against it but it will never work. Microfoft/Sony wont allow it, theyd need to be supervised and hosted somehow, console hardware couldnt handle it, it would cause a load of bugs and other problems that cant be fixed on console etcetc

Except that you're wrong. Most mods that don't increase the actual game quality work fine on the Xbox. Todd Howard said so himself. If you won't take Todd's word for it, check out Skyrim on a Jtagged Xbox 360.

If mods are to be used in consoles, how would they deal with large complicated mods that would require external programs like the script extender, or Wrye Bash?

As far as I can tell, console players would be limited in their choice of mods. However, I'm pretty sure many are content with having mods available to them at all.

Stupid question, really. The simple answer is that they wouldn't deal with mods like that.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:36 am

If you're one of those PC players who thinks mods are the only reason to play on PC, and so they shouldn't go to consoles, you need to find a better reason or stop playing on PC. Everything about gaming is better on PC, if you can't see that you might as well just get a console.

Nope. The only thing at all that is better about playing games on the PC are better graphics and modability.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:26 pm

Why would you vote no on the poll?, it's asking if you would LIKE to see mods on consoles...
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Da Missz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:31 pm

Consoles dont have the memory storage space or technology available for playermade mods.

So no you cant do it. Ever.

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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:45 am

Nope. The only thing at all that is better about playing games on the PC are better graphics and modability.

Also, controls (better accuracy), more keys, cheaper games, PC versions of multiplat games often have more features (although IIRC this only includes the dev console in Skyrim), more players in multiplayer games, freedom to edit games via their config/ini files to make it how you want without using mods, larger draw distances, larger areas on PC games (BF3 is a great example)..

I'm not against console gaming, but to pretend that the only difference is visuals and mods is just fallacious.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:19 am

Heck yes. I'm sick of not being able to enjoy the post-vanilla experience.

Play on PC then, if the mod community grow as big as with Oblivion, you gonna miss out a lot of great mods-
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