No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.
I see no reason why console users shouldn't be able to download and PLAY mods. I do believe that the Creation Kit should be limitd to PC, though. In that way, the PC community will get to feed the mod users of both PC and Console communities.
I think that what would be required is a mod hosting service that is ad-based. Maybe it would stream a video ad that cannot be skipped whenever someone goes to download a mod. That way it pays for itself. I know that in the CS for Morrowind and Oblivion, there were switches in the scripts that governed PC or XBox control interfaces. If a mod would be made available on the hosting service, then that service would need to be able to scan the mods to make sure that the switches for all platforms are covered.
Those who want to develop mods only for the PC could still host them wherever they want.
The reason for requiring a dedicated hosting service is for quality assurance. To make sure that mods downloaded to the consoles actually work. Those who upload broken mods would be prohibited from posting any more. Serious modders in this community will take steps to ensure that everything is working correctly.
The hosting service could also hold the mod in testing mode where volunteers from the 360 and PS3 communities can play through the mod to make sure it works as intended. When both have signed off on it, it would release. That would allow an author to debug any problems with their mod. before it goes full public. The testers would be picked at random. The mod author will need to document everything the mod is supposed to do in checklist form. Testers would run through it and ensure that what they are told and what actually is are the same. Testers would also be advised to reject a mod if they find that it does something more than what they are told and inform the author. Some mod authors like to toss in hidden things. And that is fine for the final release. But testers need to know everything the mod is supposed to do so they can make sure that it does it.
Cross-platform mod development would become closer to actual game development in that there's more at stake than just one's own personal project that they just happen to be sharing with the community.
Just my two septims worth...