No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.
PC market is soon, not dead but wiped anyway so might as well allow mods for Xbox live and PSN, for the future.
Its not that PC games are bad, they are someitmes better. But future consoles will have better hardware then what will be out for the PC for another year to come.
But even thats not why.
The only reason why PC gaming is dying, is due to piracy. Thats it.
Skyrim was out, WITH the release patch, on release day, as a downloadable copy.
Since its a single player game. You have it all.
You wont find cracked versions for xbox and psn since although you can, you need a modified xbox, modified with hardware, and you will never be able to log on to xbox live with it.
Sure some use a 2nd for piracy but its an extreme hazzle compared to the PC. Where you click download, follow some instructions that takes less time then the most basic installatiion of a mod. And you have it working.
Game developers should stop releasing major games to the PC once the new consoles are out in a year approx. They must, in order to earn money.
That, or ONLY focus on online games.
Steam is one way to ensure people cant crack it. But,,,again, even that was done immediately upon release.