Bethesda bringing mods to consoles?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:29 am

Also, controls (better accuracy), more keys, cheaper games, PC versions of multiplat games often have more features (although IIRC this only includes the dev console in Skyrim), more players in multiplayer games, freedom to edit games via their config/ini files to make it how you want without using mods, larger draw distances, larger areas on PC games (BF3 is a great example)..

I'm not against console gaming, but to pretend that the only difference is visuals and mods is just fallacious.

Controls my ass. There's no advantage over a controller, it's personal preference. Draw distances? I already said graphics. What I said still stands. The only thing PC has over a console are better graphics and modability (which includes tweaking settings that you can't on the console).
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:18 am

... you just confused mods with a gamesave editor.... people like this make me ashamed to call myself a console owner....

and just to clarify for some of the clearly knolegeless pc guys claiming that mods on ps3/x360 would be nothing but minor tweaks are idiots...

consoles can handle mods but they handle them more like a low end PC not like your highend gaming computer texture mods work as long as they are simmilar or lower texture resolutions to the ones being used by the console, where high res textures are unable to be used because of RAM/GPU insufficiency... where adding new dungeons/creatures/citys/quests are completely possible, on the other hand new CPU/RAM intensive scripts could cause the games engine to crash (i.e AI modds)..... so yes your pc is better dont distinguish what can and can not be done on consoles if you have clearly never programed for one...

its not like what im explaining is any use its not like anyones going to listen to someone with actual knowledge on these forums....

Never knew it was only a gamesave editor. I have never played or modded any game on my pc so I would not know that. It's called modding with borderlands do I figured it was the same. Sure I've never heard of textures being modded on borderlands but I do know if a kid makes a FPS into 3rd person it has to be a little complex. Also for me I would use modding for the little things, like the stuff in borderlands. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be called modding if every article I've ever read says it's modding, along with the borderlands website that has a ps3 mod forum. So it's not really me that's getting it confused its everyone else in the world that calls it modding. If its not modding then everyone shouldn't call it that. I just thought with all the mods in borderlands that texture packs would also be possible. Anyway I'm for it on consoles. Why can't we have a little fun also. I just like tweaking the little things anyway so why can't skyrim do exactly what borderlands did, is it possible?
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helen buchan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:15 am

Controls my ass. There's no advantage over a controller, it's personal preference. Draw distances? I already said graphics. What I said still stands. The only thing PC has over a console are better graphics and modability (which includes tweaking settings that you can't on the console).

If they didn't have to take the consoles into consideration when making the graphic, it would probably been a lot better.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:27 am

If they didn't have to take the consoles into consideration when making the graphic, it would probably been a lot better.

Of course.

This game's graphics is identical to Oblivion.

Hell in a lot of cases even more low res.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:17 pm

Controls my ass. There's no advantage over a controller, it's personal preference. Draw distances? I already said graphics. What I said still stands. The only thing PC has over a console are better graphics and modability (which includes tweaking settings that you can't on the console).

Lol, controls are a massive advantage for PC in gaming in general, it's the reason consoles need aim assist in first-person games; their input device isn't precise enough. Even turning the aim assist off in console games usually just turns it to partial aim assist, so yes in first person games there is an advantage over a controller. Also, the mouse allows you to turn a helluva lot quicker without suffering accuracy like you would have to do if you turned the sensitivity up on a controller.

Also, if you're going to include everything I said under graphics and modability (overlooking the fact you've completely bypassed cheaper games and a better multiplayer experience) then the differences you've prescribed are pretty damn big.

If you want to be ignorant that's fine, it's almost impossible to find a well-informed console gamer on a forum; but that doesn't change the fact that the difference is big.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:01 pm

Lol, controls are a massive advantage for PC in gaming in general, it's the reason consoles need aim assist in first-person games; their input device isn't precise enough. Even turning the aim assist off in console games usually just turns it to partial aim assist, so yes in first person games there is an advantage over a controller. Also, the mouse allows you to turn a helluva lot quicker without suffering accuracy like you would have to do if you turned the sensitivity up on a controller.

Also, if you're going to include everything I said under graphics and modability (overlooking the fact you've completely bypassed cheaper games and a better multiplayer experience) then the differences you've prescribed are pretty damn big.

If you want to be ignorant that's fine, it's almost impossible to find a well-informed console gamer on a forum; but that doesn't change the fact that the difference is big.

No arguing with an arrogant PC elitist.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:47 am

I can't help but feel most people who voted no are just asinine PC elitists. That said, I don't see such a feature not being exploited to the point of [censored]iness if implemented.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:41 pm

No arguing with an arrogant PC elitist.

I'm not a PC elitist, I still own and occasionally play with consoles, but I have an informed standpoint upon which to make my judgement, which you clearly do not.

It is perfectly valid to say that you simply prefer consoles, you're unwilling to make the initial investment for a PC or that you want to play with your friends who also play on consoles, nobody can disagree with that; But the reasoning you've provided so far isn't informed, it's simply a cliche typical argument from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.. culminating in an ad hominem.

**here's the part where you lie and say you have a gaming PC, and have based you opinion on that experience.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:02 pm

I hope this never happens, Bethesda is already focusing more and more of their attention on consoles (need I remind you about the UI disaster, amongst other issues) so if they let mods happen then they might as well cancel all future PC versions in the future...which I'm sure they would just love to do

Another PC elitist scum worthy of a banning. Don't come to threads purely to derail them.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:35 am

Another PC elitist scum worthy of a banning. Don't come to threads purely to derail them.

If you had any idea how PC's work, you'd understand it will never work.

Its like trying to play a BLU-Ray on a VCR.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:27 pm

If they tried to "force" that on me, either I would try my hardest to make it impossible to run on the consoles (must integrate it with high def textures!) or sadly I would probably be angry enough not to release any mods for the community (They would probably lose more modders by forcing that on them than they would gain out of it)

You're not needed anyways. Peace kiddo.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:52 am

No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.

PC market is soon, not dead but wiped anyway so might as well allow mods for Xbox live and PSN, for the future.

Its not that PC games are bad, they are someitmes better. But future consoles will have better hardware then what will be out for the PC for another year to come.
But even thats not why.

The only reason why PC gaming is dying, is due to piracy. Thats it.
Skyrim was out, WITH the release patch, on release day, as a downloadable copy.
Since its a single player game. You have it all.

You wont find cracked versions for xbox and psn since although you can, you need a modified xbox, modified with hardware, and you will never be able to log on to xbox live with it.
Sure some use a 2nd for piracy but its an extreme hazzle compared to the PC. Where you click download, follow some instructions that takes less time then the most basic installatiion of a mod. And you have it working.

Game developers should stop releasing major games to the PC once the new consoles are out in a year approx. They must, in order to earn money.
That, or ONLY focus on online games.
Steam is one way to ensure people cant crack it. But,,,again, even that was done immediately upon release.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:52 pm

Why would anyone vote no? Whats wrong with letting the console crowd get basic mods exactly? How does it affect your system or game enjoyability?
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neil slattery
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:57 am

I don't think people are voting NO because we (console gamers) shouldn't have them.
It's because it's impossible currently for this kind of feature to be given to the console platform.

Most people in the thread don't have a clue how mods work, how they are coded and programmed.
Mods literally REWRITE game data (not like a save file folks, the entire game). This isn't really
accessible to a gaming CD- it's written for fully installed PC games.

Why? Because that's how the codes are made, they are made with compatibility for the PC, not PS3/XBOX360.
You literally CANNOT apply such a code to a console game- it would corrupt the game data literally on contact.
If you want an example, games are vastly different on consoles alone. They run on different servers, have completely
different programming involved. That is why some consoles get a patch earlier than others.

Please understand, I would love for mods to be on the ps3, but it's just... not possible. It would require a fully
paid staff to completely redesign the game and rewrite codes for it. And that's just not going to happen.
That is why I say, impossible.

Maybe in the distant future we will see such mods for console games, but it's not happening now.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:58 pm

Controls my ass. There's no advantage over a controller, it's personal preference. Draw distances? I already said graphics. What I said still stands. The only thing PC has over a console are better graphics and modability (which includes tweaking settings that you can't on the console).

You realise a significant part of the huge categories you're defining include the actual specifications of the machines in question? It would actually amuse me immensely if they enabled console modding only for people to discover that High Res texture packs and shader mods simply can't work on 7 year old hardware with limited memory.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:46 am

No. Mods should be for PC only. Mods are a great reason people still PC game.

Thats rather selfish. Some people cant afford a good PC.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:32 am

Console idiots and ignorant kids are the main reason i'm ashamed to call myself a console owner. Guys, seriously... lets educate the abundance of ignorance thats in this forum. Le'ts see... PC to console... thats exactly like saying formula 1 car to go kart. Consoles will NEVER, EVER be as strong as PC's. There is absolutely NO way that will ever happen. PC gaming dying? LOL you guys are idiots. I own an xbox, but i've seen what a PC is capable of doing and I'm going to be honest, as it stands now, there is ABSOLUTELY no competition. PCs have only been getting stronger and will always be stronger than consoles. Pure logic and proof with a simple search of google, or any of your preferred search sites will confirm any and all questions/doubts. If Skyrim was optimized for one of the best PCs available at this time(since, xbox 360 and ps3 are the "best" (lol) that consoles have at this time...) that skyrim would probably undoubtedly have photorealistic textures, realistic physics, 10000000x smarter AI than consoles would ever be able to produce, a world that would be like 10 oblivion worlds put together, etcetc...

but don't take my word for it, and i wont argue with ignorance... look this [censored] up. Xbox specs, ps3 specs, pc specs. You will get your answer. Besides, logically thinking... if someone would EVER want to make a game worth making, why would he want to limit his creation to the limits of ANY console?

/endrant I apologize to any innocent people here that are just minding their business and happen to fall into this post. I just see this console ignorance all over the place and it makes me sick to my stomach. Its funny how the industry subliminally programs the weakminded to prefer a system that will milk its customers out of every single bit of cash for the dumbest things PC's get for free: mods disguised as "Downloadable content".

Have you taken into account that most people have crappy PC's that cant handle xbox graphics? Though I understand what you are talking about, some things you said makes you sound like a 10 year old. 10000000x better AI? That must be the best AI ever, it's just a ridiculous claim.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:18 am

I can guarantee you, if Bethesda enforce that kind of terms of use, the only result is that they can get the first batch of mods and sell them as DLCs, but they won't get the second batch as no modders will be willing to mod anymore.

Or they will still mod, but they'll only circlulate it among their firends and never release it publicly. And definitely make sure Bethesda can't get their hands on it.

Why wouldn't they? I would be proud to have my mod as a part of a DLC.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:04 pm

Why wouldn't they? I would be proud to have my mod as a part of a DLC.
You and very few others, as a modder myself I would happily give freely my mods to the console gamers, but the moment it becomes commercial paid DLC I'll start hitting all my mods with copywrite, mods are a free resource and should remain so.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:07 pm

Never knew it was only a gamesave editor. I have never played or modded any game on my pc so I would not know that. It's called modding with borderlands do I figured it was the same. Sure I've never heard of textures being modded on borderlands but I do know if a kid makes a FPS into 3rd person it has to be a little complex. Also for me I would use modding for the little things, like the stuff in borderlands. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be called modding if every article I've ever read says it's modding, along with the borderlands website that has a ps3 mod forum. So it's not really me that's getting it confused its everyone else in the world that calls it modding. If its not modding then everyone shouldn't call it that. I just thought with all the mods in borderlands that texture packs would also be possible. Anyway I'm for it on consoles. Why can't we have a little fun also. I just like tweaking the little things anyway so why can't skyrim do exactly what borderlands did, is it possible?

ok i play borderlands and know what the savegame editor tool is ive used it!

i reolize people have called it modding but its one of the oldest tricks in the book its called gamesave editing or gamesave hacking it works with borderlands because it has randomly generated items and the scripts for what kind of items are being dropped at that moment scripts saved in the savegame file (and it is hacking because they can ban you if you use them in online mode if someone reports you and is also an easy way to trophy hack a platinum trophy using the tool mentioned above in the thread) texture modding/third person mod requires access to the games resource files and is not currently possible on the ps3 unless you have hacked ps3....

just because people call something modding doesn't in fact make it actual modding....
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:59 am

Consoles can't handle mods. They can handle 'tweaks'. So, what would be the point? I would never hamstring a mod to 'run on xbox', sorry. The whole point of modding is to make TES games actually worth playing. This usually involves actually adding content on a scale commensurate with the setting not the xbox's 3 cores and few hundred mb of ram. Soz! Didn't even cover scripting extensions ..
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:15 pm

Consoles can't handle mods.
Depends on the mod, certainly not hirez textures as they don't have the memory, but they could certainly cope with quest mods and builds using the vanilla resource.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:07 am

You and very few others, as a modder myself I would happily give freely my mods to the console gamers, but the moment it becomes commercial paid DLC I'll start hitting all my mods with copywrite, mods are a free resource and should remain so.

I understand what you are saying and I don't think you are selfish for it, but as long as my mod comes to use for other people I'm happy. No matter if it's part of a DLC. Would not mind a pat on the back though. ;)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:25 am

Consoles can't handle mods. They can handle 'tweaks'. So, what would be the point? I would never hamstring a mod to 'run on xbox', sorry. The whole point of modding is to make TES games actually worth playing. This usually involves actually adding content on a scale commensurate with the setting not the xbox's 3 cores and few hundred mb of ram. Soz! Didn't even cover scripting extensions ..

do a quick google search for mods on "morrowind mods on xbox" an "Oblivion mods on PS3(or Xbox360)" they will prove you wrong.... Skyrim is no different you just cant add High Resolution Textures fact is alot of people run skyrim on pcs that arnt much better than a PS3 or X360 with graphics settins turned down...
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:51 am

doubt MS would go for this, would be awesome though
they have ridiculous rules about official updates
don't see them allowing user made content like this on their network

do remember you could mod morrowind on xbox, though I never did it myself (played MW on PC)

not sure were every one gets there info regarding ms not wanting mods, sinse they allow games with user content like forza, which is full of porm n racist painworks, its just one of those things, same with all the indi games they promote and host, some of there themes are very questionable. i think it will be alot easyer than everyone thinks to bring mods to console.
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