-I have nothing against having a story. I am against being constantly treated like an ignorant child, who has never seen another story, with all these dumb attempts at grey morality plots, that try to act like they are some of the great classics, when they are nothing more then copy-paste garbage. Hell, I have nothing really again BAD writing in general, especially if its done in a self-referential way like Borderlands or Saints Row, I do however have a problem with bad writing trying to act like its good writing, and grey morality games are nothing but the latter.
-It should be interactive, that is what makes games, games, is interactivity. The interactivity of games leads to emergent narratives, where a series of uncontrolled things can lead to a highly memorable situation. You attacking one thing, only to have another thing attack you, only to have some third thing attack you and the other two things, are some of the most well remembered situations in games.
Now, those events are not particularly great narrative. Any more controlled situation, like those in books or movies, would have given background and context to the situation that would make it a better narrative, but games dont have good narrative by nature. Games are good at interactivity, and showing all the details of worlds that one never gets to see in any other medium, but all this interactivity and world exploration ruins the control that makes narratives good. Other mediums focus on their strengths, and so should games. Interactivity, and world building, which is why most games have used tons of lore in place of complex narratives.
Narratives in games are best when they are basic and simple, and allow the player to do what games do best, play around in them. Attempting to shoehorn a complex narrative into a game is the same as trying to shove all the LoTR books into 1:1 movies. It just doesn't work, becuase movies are not books, do not tell narratives in the same way, and attempting to do so owuld just make it far too long to watch in any digestable way.