Yes, I did. Problem Davor? We're talking about carnival.
Everyone knows what I look like.
"Bend over please, this is gonna hurt a little." :thumbsup:
That must have been a fun night. We have very few carnivals in Montreal, and they're not as nice as those from other parts of the world. I know I'll have to go to try Rio's once in my traveler's life.

When I was traveling in Dresden, Germany, I saw a peaceful demonstration event that took place on the main bridge to get to the other side of the city.
As I don't speak nor understand German, I had no idea what the people were claiming. It is only when I got home and googled the words on the signs that I figured out that they were school teachers. It's a good thing I jumped with this group, as the group that followed were police officers who were most likely claiming better salaries/conditions...I don't think they'd have let me lead their group.

I love the reaction on some of the people on that picture. "Who the heck is this guy?"