Dawnstar Castle, Falkreath Castle, Morthal Castle
DAMM 111111!!!!!
Dawnstar Castle, Falkreath Castle, Morthal Castle
DAMM 111111!!!!!
Did the state of Winterhold not tip you off?
Let's be real here. If they did implement all that... people's PS3s would explode in a nuclear reaction.
I'm just messing around... a little. But seriously, the game as is caused a (was it a 7 month delay, or something along those lines) delay for dlcs because the PS3 couldn't handle the memory. Now imagine all this stuff implemented.
i can understand bethesda is on a budget and has time restraints as well (they cant sepnd eternity manufacturing a game) but i do think cities should look a bit more like cities in size and function including "extra" random npcs walkin around for murder sprees without direct consequence on city population...as it is after months of vampire and dragon attacks half the city of whiteruns npcs are dead and im not even the one who got to kill them! for those lucky enugh to be able to play high end games with mods on the pc im sure modders will help with this...ive been working on a city overhaul for oblivion for a couple years off and on whenever i can for example...learning as i go as a noob modder...but that dont help the consoles unless the legalities ever change for that
You know what Morthal, Dawnstar and Falkreath need? A castle.
I like the setting, it just needs like a handful more buildings and quests. Its creepy atmosphere is kinda cool.
They've been saying Bethesda copped out on the cities since Morrowind was released. Hopefully, the next game.
And after that the next. They've got so much IN these games it will be impossible to please us all. I do hope though that the cities are more fully fleshed out in TES VI
Inferior machinery! You hold the strong back with your petty necessities! Heresy!
Anyways, I think all of the villages (not even big enough to call a town IMO) should have had their own holding cell and made them actual cities.