Monsters, the Monster Hunter series is known for it's awesome variety of monsters ranging from mudcrab sized to godzilla proportions. Each monster with it's own unique attacks, body parts to cut off. The dragons in Skyrim are awful to fight, animations are bad and attacks and A.I. in general is just terrible. Everytime I get ready to fight a dragon I feel like it's a chore. In Monster Hunter every dragon is unique in it's abilities and smart and have way better attacks. Everytime I see a dragon in Monster Hunter I love the challenge and the reward I get from killing them.
The weapon/armor system should be a must for the next TES, I love the way I get to make my own weapons and armor on any kind of monster I killed. I wish I could do that in Skyrim. What if I want mudcrab armor? A horker tusk helmet? Etc...
Make it happen Bethesda!