Yeah I agree. Even though I haven't played JC 2, it seems awesome, performance feels very smooth and it's graphically lovely.
I too worry about a pop-up issue. I hope they make transitions feel smooth, seamless and nonexistent.
While Skyrim is an RPG with lots of content (quests, dungeons, people, towns, etc) I still think it could have done better, based on what I've seen so far.
I think the world, after 5 years, could have been made bigger. People say that 41 square kilometers is enough, and that it's big. I disagree.
JC 2 was like 1000 square kilometers, and that's completely unrealistic to think Skyrim ever could be. To be realistic though, I'd like prefer Skyrim to be 70-100 square kilometers.
The reason I would like Skyrim to be 70-100 square kilometers is basically:
I thought Oblivion was way too small to feel huge. Way to small for huge, majestic mountains and valleys to be there.
You can most likely say good-bye to landscapes like...,,, and
If landscapes like that would be in Skyrim... it would never fit. Any of those landscapes in the pictures would pretty much take up half the map/world space or even more. If landscapes like that would be in Skyrim; they would have to be greatly reduced in scale, which I think would remove their whole "greatness" and "epicness".
And Oblivion felt really I fear for the same feeling.
Oblivion was 41 square kilometers. I'd like something around 70-100

That would be ideal to me.
Combined with this really amazing new draw distance, the world would perhaps feel even smaller?