Bethesda Devs Please Don't Nerf Weapons

Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:30 pm

Please devs when you update the game don't nerf weapons because this is why you gave us different settings to use. We can somewhat control the strength of our weapons by picking the right perks. The game is awesome and has huge potential don't a few people ruin this game with complaints. Let fans vote on nerfing weapons if it's really needed.

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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:13 pm

What prompted this?

Bethesda have never really done rebalancing in patches. I don't think they'll start now.
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:24 pm

Its a single player game. Who the hell calls for nerfs in a single player game?
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:54 pm

If we're asking for stuff, can the junkjet get either a weight reduction, or a damage boost to make it worth lugging around? Preferably both?

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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:58 pm

I do. Ballistic weave is OP.

Thanks for asking. :)

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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:43 pm

Mod it. There's your Nerf. Not everyone wants to play the game like you. It is a tad OP though.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:35 pm

Then they should fix it. It is ridiculous to say, "Yeah, it is imbalanced but some people like imbalance so good job devs! You screwed up in a way I can take advantage of to lame my way through the game!" :goodjob:

You want imbalance, mod it. What we should expect if not demand from the devs is a proper job well done not a half-assed job we have to fix ourselves.

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kyle pinchen
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Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:07 am

I don't know what to tell you. Bethesda isn't known for fixing balance issues. I wouldn't hold my breath on a fix. I'm actually surprised they fixed the bottle cap glitch.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:19 pm

I can see the gauss rifle being tweaked. I read somewhere with the right perks/weapon mods it's doing quite a bit more damage than a fatman. I suppose the balance there though would be the rarity of the ammo for it. Haven't even come across one yet myself(the gun)so don't know a great deal about it.
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:42 pm

I'm 100% against the idea of nerfing something in a single player game. There is no reason to balance it as it's not like I can use it to ruin someone else's game. Now if you want a less powerful option of Ballistic weave added WITHOUT taking out the current option then ask for that. Otherwise you are just saying because I don't like it no one should use it. If you don't like it you don't have to use it. Wait for a mod for a less powerful option, use the numerous other armor options, or just go naked for all I care. I like my armored tux and your dislike of it shouldn't keep me from enjoying it. I feel it fits fine in the game and is perfectly suited for those of us who want to look less like an eccentric hobo with a mismatch or just downright ratty looking armor and more like a bond type hero while retaining our armor. Also what the hell do you care if someone else, as in someone who is not you and affects you in absolutely no way whatsoever, decides they want to play the game a certain way. You don't like it don't use it. You don't have to see ballistic weave, you don't have to use ballistic weave, you don't have to give a single damn about ballistic weave, yet somehow this is giving you a fit. Just. Don't. Use. It. If someone else likes it they should have the option of using it. By trying to limit the options in the game to your single set of arbitrary likes, you are saying that the game should be your way and your way only. If you want that you can damn well make one yourself. That way you can have it exactly your way and only your way. The devs, on the other hand, will keep trying to appeal to numerous people and as such ignore your rather petty self-centrist views.

Fun game. Try and figure out at what point I read and added your second quote to this.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:58 pm

I'd love to see a nerf gun in Fallout 4.

Wait, what?

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Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:44 am

No, it can only mess up my game by forcing me to play around the flaws. I consider that significant enough to hope that they will fix it.

What you're saying is "Geez, there's no reason for devs to create a balanced game!" but we all realize that that's utter nonsense. What I am sure you actually mean is "I like the OP weave please don't take it from me!" and that is a completely different discussion.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:10 pm

No. I said exactly what I meant to say. There is absolutely no reason to call ballistic weave unbalanced. It may not be something you like to use but that's on you. Some people don't like the idea of the Fatman, being able to launch nuclear warheads from a shoulder mounted launcher. Do you want that to be removed from the game? Some people don't like how high you can make your sneak damage go. Do you want that to be removed from the game? There is no such thing as balance in a single player game. You are the main character, the hero, and as such you are already weighing down the scales of power. You can mow down waves of enemies, you can carry hundreds of pounds of crap. And yes you can modify a shirt to be armored. Do you want a game where you are only as powerful as every other npc? That's not a fallout game.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:14 pm

I agree with BOTH of your posts, but want to add...

There are also SEVERAL ranks of BW.
The "best" one too OP for you?
*Problem Solved*


BW is only available to a VERY limited number of clothing items....and ugly ones by the way.
Anybody saying it "ruins their game" is just being a [EDITTED OUT BEFORE EVEN POSTING]!

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hannah sillery
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:06 pm

They tend to fix exploits because of bugs.

DLC will have harder enemies they tend to also have weapons who balance a bit in boosting weak weapons.

They will not change legendary effects. They will probably fix the 95% chance to headshoot bug in a perk.

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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:37 pm

I don't think Ballistic weave is overpowered. It's not intended for you to put it on an outfit and wear it with armor stacked on it. Only reason why you can, is because the devs said " why not?". Ballistic weave is more for people who like to just wear a certain outfit, but want it to be viable. As for overpowered, no matter what you do, once you hit a certain level, you will be over-powered, unless you completely noobed out on your perks, so nerfing something in a single-player game with just that fact is moot. I mean, whats the point if you are going to be overpowered no matter what?

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:35 pm

nerfs? If anything, Unarmed and Melee need some serious buffs, with the buffs focused on VATS overall, the only reason a melee player is progressing just as well as a ranged character is because of those two perks that might as well be called "Bacon" and "Eggs", aka Rooted and Blitz, however, this stops dead in it's tracks once the player encounters Mirelurks overall. The problem here is that some enemies, like the Mirelurks, require the player to use precise accuracy to aim for the specific body part to do more damage than usual, however with the VATS system for Melee being a lazy copy-pasted form of Fallout 3/NV's form (95%, can't aim for a specific limb for cripples, damage, etc.). I seriously think the VATS for melee needs major tweaking to allow melee characters the ability to lock onto a specific limb and commit damage to it, just having a vague "95%" blob before the player and having their attacks continuously hit the Mirelurk's armor instead of the face is just plain annoying.

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Aaron Clark
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:34 pm

?hm doesn't Bethesda test their Weapon Balancing? Especially with Explosive Tag? ^^

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Amy Cooper
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:32 pm

I just got it and its is indeed massively OP.......I'm however torn between it being OP and being being disappointed about all the clothing we cannot use it on.

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rolanda h
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:53 pm

...You must be new to Bethesda's games?
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:17 am

Play around what "flaws" if you have a problem with Ballistic Weave 5 being 110 dam/eng resist then just use Ballistic Weave 3. It has 6 options, 1 you get from a quest which I personally feel is extremely underpowered defense wise is Institute Killer Weave. I dont see why they should catter to such petty complaining when its a single player sandbox game and it has no effect on anyone else. Its not broken, only your perspective is.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:20 pm

I don't think the numbers on ballistic weave are the problem. They're more or less on par with the piecemeal armors.

The problem, the thing that's unbalanced, is that there are underarmors that you can apply the ballistic weave to, allowing you to stack the resistances. It's absolutely OP.

"If you don't like it, don't use it" is only situationally applicable. But not using a thing doesn't make it go away. Even if I choose not to stack ballistic weave with actual armor, I'm still aware of this terrible design decision, and that negatively impacts my experience.

I'll just mod it when the CK is released, but I wouldn't cry if in the meantime Bethesda decided to limit the items you can add the weave to.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:38 pm

Two words bro. Stun Baton, Deathclaw Gauntlet and Combat Knife. All Freezing. I kill Mythical Deathclaws melee, stun batons op specially with sentinel effect

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Richard Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:06 am

If any balancing happens, it'll almost certainly be done through mods, not official patches.
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:33 pm

Limit? On the contrary I feel its too limited. There are a lot of outfits I wish I could apply Ballistic Weave to. Theres the Harness, Synth Uniform, Rad Suit, Kellogs Outfit, Road Leathers, Drifters Outfit, Winterized Coat, etc. And just how exactly does it ruin your experience in game if its there unused? That makes no sense, thats like disliking Baskin n Robins 41st flavor and being able to enjoy the rest of the flavors because of it, its childish.

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