nerfs? If anything, Unarmed and Melee need some serious buffs, with the buffs focused on VATS overall, the only reason a melee player is progressing just as well as a ranged character is because of those two perks that might as well be called "Bacon" and "Eggs", aka Rooted and Blitz, however, this stops dead in it's tracks once the player encounters Mirelurks overall. The problem here is that some enemies, like the Mirelurks, require the player to use precise accuracy to aim for the specific body part to do more damage than usual, however with the VATS system for Melee being a lazy copy-pasted form of Fallout 3/NV's form (95%, can't aim for a specific limb for cripples, damage, etc.). I seriously think the VATS for melee needs major tweaking to allow melee characters the ability to lock onto a specific limb and commit damage to it, just having a vague "95%" blob before the player and having their attacks continuously hit the Mirelurk's armor instead of the face is just plain annoying.