There are no intelligent deathclaw companions. We have needed another sense fallout 2.
There are no intelligent deathclaw companions. We have needed another sense fallout 2.
That would have been a disappointment to me; and fan pandering IMO. Intelligent Deathclaws were an extreme irregularity, and doomed to die out. If they included Goris [as ancient; and not as an NPC companion], that could have been cool.
Yeah sorry, my grammar svcks. (high functioning MR here).
there needs to be a joking fount.
No, hope for that though there will be a mod for it... there is always a mod for it.
Am I the only guy wishing a Deathclaw companion was legit?
I redact my disappointment cause I found that there are none-hostile deathclaws in a few areas.
image proof.
Then explain how a deathclaw can pick one up, extend its claws, and gut you like freddy kreuger?
That kind of action is not one of a mindless beast. Just saying.
actually she is hostile, she attack me when i ignore her. (i dont know why but i think is a her=P)
I want a deathclaw in a coat and tails, a top hat, with polished spats and a cane singing "Hello My Baby"
is none hostile if you do the quest related to it, well as long as you do not pull out a gun, the moment you pull out a gun you will be attacked. So no gun equals no attack, gun equals death.
while talking deathclaws are out, I can say the deathclaws in fallout 4 are definantly smarter then in most other fallout game.
hell had more then a few completely ignore me for no reason, which I am thankful for cause this generally happens when I have my weapon down and am in power armor. (might be a bug though no clue, still pretty cool that some seem to know a fight they can't win) And no I do not have any perks for this, stated for crafting and heavy weapons.