I dont understand these people complain about subs fee. Dont eat pizza and you have your subs money.
Subs fee means constant patches and new content, fast upgrades and never-ending support.
Also better servers too, Its worth paying.
I dont understand these people complain about subs fee. Dont eat pizza and you have your subs money.
Subs fee means constant patches and new content, fast upgrades and never-ending support.
Also better servers too, Its worth paying.
To confound matters further, there are two Bethesdas: publisher and developer. No one can ever get it right when they're talking about new Fallouts.
People seem to confuse Bethesda Softworks (publisher) with Bethesda Game Studios... and that's not mentioning ZeniMax Media Inc... and ZeniMax Online Studios.
Bethesda Game Studios make The Elder Scrolls proper.
ZeniMax Online Studios make The Elder Scrolls Online.
Two different studios both owned by ZeniMax Media Inc.
1) because it's an elder scrolls game
2) because the forum is gamesas
for the TA yea mmo's cost money to play be it a sub or microtransaction ptp as the other dude said you need to wait for TES 7 because I believe you have play offline RPG and online massive multiplayer confused.
That said, on previous TES launches they discussed taking the series mmo or multiplayer. Last gen console seen some nice multi-player RPG innovation like FABLE, which incidentally cost no monthy sub other than perhaps xbox live gold which is .25 cents/day iirc. Having said that, I've seen much support for TES RPG series simply having multiplayer added. I can't guage how much Zeni/Beth would endorse that going forward because it would compete in a small way vs TESO MMO
As for the first replier Ithril, (my quote function seems to be disabled somehow) xbox one is not going to be 30$ / month to play are you joking, trolling, misinformed or what exactly? LOL
They're already working on TES 6, have no fear on that, they're just going to experiment with ESO, and if all fails, milk it dry an announce tes 6 earlier, until this cash cow can shove milk they will delay tes 6 until ESO becomes a type of WoWesque feel where you keep paying your subscription but hardly play, but you got your character all done and stuff...
Most likely an announcement in late 2014 and a release late 2015 or most likely early-mid 2016.
You sound like an attention seeking child pretending he is an atheist because you think it makes you look intelligent.
LOL what?
$15/month + $3.33/month for Xbox Live. Yeah, pretty close to $30, lol.
It's a Bethesda published game, using a world that Bethesda created, and assets taken directly from Bethesda developed games. It may not be a Bethesda developed game, but it's a project that is very close to Bethesda. So close that it has the ability to directly effect the future of the series whether people are willing to believe that or not.
While the number of people who come in here and complain about subs' tend to stand alone while ESO advocates verbally tear them to shreds, they come quite frequently which makes me wonder if there actually is two sides to this coin. God forbid we're.. dare I say it... wrong and we're just used to being treated really poorly as MMO gamers and need a subscription model to feel like we're being guaranteed value for our dollar.
Likely misinformed.
It's still $15/month for subscription for the game. But, taking into account Live's subscription, it'll cost at least $20/month (dividing the cost of a year subscription of Live over 12 months..
I heard there's an additional fee on Xbox One. I doubt it's $30 though, even Microsoft isn't Diablo.
It's called X.bone for a reason, you know.
Check it out, Try to write "x.bone" in one word (no dot) and press Post. It doesn't work. LMFAO.
Fascinating, isn't it?
Edit: I still don't get where that word came from, I simply call it Xbox One.
No, there's no "additional fee". You pay the game sub and the Live sub.
yeah i know...
well to answer what everyone already said
1- game is not made by bethesda
2- its an mmo and not a single player rpg
3- 15$ a month is the norm
4- sony dont charge you, you dont need to pay the 15$ for playstation + to be able to play the game, not like microsoft.
But you are still paying the $15/month for the game sub. Saving $3.33/month for not having to pay for PS+ isn't nearly as big a deal as people seem to think it is.
Currently I think you can get xbox live paying monthly for $10 a month, its cheaper if you pay for a year or other packages. In Australia I think its around 12 dollars a month if you pay monthly.
Im pretty sure the poser meant "combined price of $30" which isnt that far off either way if you pay monthly.
The Live sub is the additional fee. PS Plus is scrapped for PS4 with ESO.
The difference is bare minimum, though.
It's still not a bethesda game. They may publish it, but that's like giving credit to Pearson for publishing someone's book.
As an Xbox user and Xbox Live member for 11 years let me be the first to say that if anybody is paying on a month to month basis for Xbox Live they have no reason to complain. They are only hurting themselves. Deals for $40/year for XBL are all over the place these days.