Unfortunately, I cannot continue to "fight the good fight".. so to speak. I just had to return my game today. The folks at my local game store were nice enough to give me a full refund. But when you encounter no less than 50 freezes, possibly hundreds of glitches, and countless (exaggeration) comments of people with similar and dissimilar issues in less than 1 week after a release of what was supposed to be a much anticipated game, one cannot help but simply give up.
Don't get me wrong, the game was extremely enjoyable. I had massive amounts of fun running up both my fame and infamy. The explosions were supreme, and there were some extremely fun guns (grenade machine gun!).. and the humor infused drama mixed with action was quite excellently written. ...all of this said, I must add: ..when my game actually worked.
I must now wait for either a re-release, hopefully with all patches released, and most if not all bugs fixed. Who knows when that will be? This is not a "I hate Bethesda/Obsidian/Fallout now!! I'll never buy a game from them evar!!111!! LOL

" This is simply a, "Maybe next time, I'll rent it first to make sure I don't get a game that disappoints so massively on a consistent level of technical difficulties."
And for monitors of the board, the straw that broke the camel's proverbial back, was indeed another glitch that seemingly broke my system. I simply could not take another suggestion to "clear your system's cache" or "revert to an earlier save." These are horrible suggestions for a game that should simply work in the first place. The glitch was as follows if anyone else runs into this glitch, I would make sure to take note and save beforehand accordingly, lest be told by support the previous fixes for all freezes.. I was talking to some of the Boomer children, safely in Nellis, when the screen sprouted little green and yellow boxes, the game started making machine gun noises, and then the whole thing froze. The controller began vibrating as if I were being attacked. I hit the center button to restart the system, or get to the dashboard, but to no avail. Then I turned the system off with the power button, trusty as that usually is. And when that didn't work, I had to hold down the power button, which did turn the system off, eventually. But alas, the speakers on my TV still made machine gun noises! (the special machine gun you can buy from the brotherhood of steel), so I had to turn my TV off, too!
I don't really have any words of advice, as I am no video game programmer. I have no experience with putting something of this scale together, and I don't know what kind of testing goes into a game like this. Maybe you tested this game as thoroughly as one could. Maybe. But with as many people that are complaining about this game, and almost all with the exact same glitches and freezes.. someone definitely dropped the ball on this one.
Looking forward, strangely, to the next Fallout.. or I'd even take a workable version of New Vegas.