I agree on some points of the original post.
The skill tree is simplified but i actually grew to like it. I would still prefer the traditional skills but the perk system is fine.
When it comes to the power armor, has any of you ever tried wearing even traditional armor, as in plate armor. One is quite bulky and inflexible while wearing it indeed. Power armor would be much worse in that sense as the movement of the powered joints would be limited.
The dialogue controls are pretty bad, more on those a little later.
I confess that Commonwealth seems to be much more crowded than the wastelands in previous installments. I cant travel much at all without running into Mole rats, weird bugs or Super mutant patrols or raiders. Places of interest are much more crowded in here as well than in Fallout 3 or New Vegas - at least they seem like more crowded.
My solutions to the games problems are as follows:
1) An option to change all keyboard controls. Currently conversation arrowkeys cannot be changed to WASD, and the crafting/Pip-boy keyboard commands cannot be changed either. Why? This is extremely frustrating, and I am not even left handed.
2) "Would you please move out of my way" - feature. Unfortunately, the NPC:s often are very much in the way. A quick button to tell them to move a few steps into a random direction would be great - Something I have missed in Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas... How is it possible so many years have passed and we still cannot ask the NPC:s to kindly step out of the way?
3) Changes to the conversation system. Way too often my character says something which was nowhere near what I though he was going to say... All due to this new conversation system. I preferred the old one, but if this one is going to stay, please at least give us more information what the character is really going to say. A lot of people who play Fallout 4 do not speak English as a first language - or as a second, personally it is my third - so people often need more information about what the character is about to blurt out.
4) A quick key to initiate barter with merchants. I do not want to go through the conversation every time, and there is absolutely no reason why I should - pure laziness, I agree, but this is something I have hoped for in vain in every single Bethesda game since Morrowind.
5) Pipboy needs to change - something it really hasnt done since Fallout 3. I find there to be way too much navigation from one tab to another in the Pipboy menu; I would prefer a menu like in Morrowind, where you could see Stats, map, spells (in this case this could be quests) and inventory on one screen. That was pure genius. Not everyone wants this kind of menu, but I think this would be excellent option - those who prefer could stay in the traditional Pipboy option so familiar from fallout 3 and New Vegas. Oh, and in Morrowind you could change the sizes of those inventory and map windows to what suited you best. Why is not that a more common thing? More control over the UI would enable everyone to use one that is best suited for them.
6) More options in what information is shown when hovering over items. Why do we not have the option to choose what information is shown of items when we look at them? Weight and value being the most obvious ones, we should be able to choose if those are shown in addition to the item name. This would reduce the amount of inventory juggling and would just be more convenient.
Quite a few of these points are a matter of convenience, but that is a very important factor of the game. Things should be easy and intuitive, and if they are not, the controls and UI should be at least a little flexible so people can make them easier to use. Modding is no excuse for Bethesda to seem to leave out a lot of options and player control from their game.