Bethesda Employ idiots or Are the lazy - serious question

Post » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:23 am

Edit *they

First and foremost, Skyrim is an amazing game however I am quite honestly sickened by the amount of quest breaking bugs throughout the whole game. Say what you want about "there are always going to be bugs in a game like this blah blah blah", that's fair enough, however my problem is why 3 years and several laughable "patches" later are we still dealing with these major quest breaking bugs, glitches and complete crashes?

Many of these are so blindingly obvious that a 12 year old playing the game could spot them. So that makes me ask the question is Bethesda employing idiots to test/develop certain aspects of the game or are they just too lazy to even try to fix these bugs now that our money is in their bank? I find it quite frustrating that the Elder Scrolls games now seem to be in the hands of money grabbing, lazy, incompetent cowards.

End of vent.

By the way does anyone know how to "Sneak into Fort Neugrod" without the objective failing every time you get close to the fort even when invisible? This is the straw that broke my back and caused me to write this post :D

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Post » Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:37 am

The developers themselves did the QA testing on Skyrim. I don't think they are idiots and I don't think they are lazy. The instructions about which bugs to fix do not come from the devs. That decision is made higher up.

Bethesda has never cared enough about fixing bugs, in my opinion. There have left a massive amount of bugs in all their games. I hope they spend more time bug-fixing with their next game.

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Post » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:38 am

I am having difficulty figuring out what "failing objective" you're talking about. There are some places scattered throughout the game that sneak does no good because the scripting reacts when the PC is X number of game units from the target, but I've not encountered any such thing at that fort... This assumes of course that you are following directions to accomplish the associated quest... Like using the right entrance, eh?

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