Going to go a little offtopic here, but I almost stopped reading after the part in bold(I didn't). Bethesda doesn't have a "Fallout series" they have a Fallout game. The 4 other Fallout games besides the 3rd were made by Interplay/Black Isle Studios or Obsidian(which was founded by people from Interplay/Black Isle Studios). I don't care if they bought the IP or not, Bethesda's Fallout doesn't really deserve to be called a series until they have developed more than one of them, IMO.

On topic: While I agree they should probably start using a bigger team of testers and perhaps squash a larger portion of bugs before they release their games. I think a lot of people go a little overboard with their "sky is falling" bug complaints. I'm really sorry some people are experiencing bugs that "ruin the game" for them. Personally I have put over 80 hours into the game, and while I have experienced a few bugs, none of them have stopped me from thoroughly enjoying it. Which is what a game is suppose to be, entertainment. Not a form of transportation that costs thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, that I expect to get me around safely on the roads.