If Bethesda Ever Manufactured a Car, I'd Be Terrified

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:52 am

One quest requires me to go to prison, and while imprisoned, pick sides in a feud specific to a town. I choose, I get out of jail, and people that should have been dead have come back to life, and send me back to prison to see people that are no longer in prison, and the game becomes stuck in a loop that I am unable to progress from.

Can you resist arrest? Or is this 'going to prison' event necessary to push the quest line along?
Or rather it's trying to send you to prison to talk to someone that is there, but he's not there?

Quest markers messed up as well?
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:07 pm

I think I'm gonna avoid these forums for a while, I can't take all the incessant whining anymore
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:57 am

Your rage is impressive. Done?

yes i think people should know what they are comparing cars dont change on a scale that games change and you can never test a game as well as a car because of that fact (cars hardly change) (games change completly between them)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:44 am

Speaking of perspective, you should look at someone else's other than your own. There is plenty of evidence if you look at the many reports of game breaking bugs, made by many people; just because some people have a "break free" experience, does not mean that many others aren't having serious issues that they shouldn't be having.

Honestly man, I'm having a lot of trouble taking you seriously. Your obviously up here to just start a fight, which is a real shame because many people tend to agree with you.

I have read most all of the big complaints about the game and they are mostly overblown IMO. I've dealt with similar bugs in other games and they hardly justify getting one's panties in a knot. Implying something is hastily thrown together just because it has a few bugs isn't really realistic. Also, while your complaining about a lack of play testing, bethesda Did do game testing, because it was in the News that they did, when one of their testers set the record for beating the game. Now, if knowing that you say then: "Well they didn't do ENOUGH testing" Well... were they supposed to break the deadline they put forward at the beginning of the year for a load of bugs they could sort out in minor patches? For that matter, how many of these bugs do you think were present prior to testing, and how many do you think cropped up as a result of the fixing they did as a result OF testing. 100% bug free games don't happen at release. The closest you get is some Blizzard titles, but even those have bugs. Does that mean the whole industry is flawed?

If EVERYONE is doing something wrong, that typically means that your expectations are set a couple rungs too high on the ladder. When you release a product, no matter how much testing you have put behind it, statistics will show that you have missed SOMETHING because the chance of it happening was minute. If there is a 0.001% chance of something happening, and you run 1000 tests... there is only a 1% chance you will find that problem. Now, release the product and it gets sold to 1,000,000,000 people who use it multiple times a day... Someone, somewhere is going to find that issue... and you had no idea it even existed.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:00 pm

Yeah, that's a bad glitch, granted. But a badly-glitched quest in a game is not the same as, say, the brakes failing and your car crashing. Yet you act as though it were.

If games studios made cars, they'd all crash. The only studio capable of putting out a resilient product would be Nintendo, and they'd only be toy cars.

I'm not "acting as though it were;" I'm writing using exaggerated anologies to illustrate a point in a colorful manner (something many people here are unable to comprehend.)
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:48 am

But bethesda hasnt earned much of a stigma or negative reputation except for those kids who like for excuses to complain about anything. Or those kids who like to lurk /v/ and then claim to have opinions worth listening to,
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:53 pm

Can you resist arrest? Or is this 'going to prison' event necessary to push the quest line along?
Or rather it's trying to send you to prison to talk to someone that is there, but he's not there?

Quest markers messed up as well?

It's necessary. There are no quest markers after because the quest is technically "completed," but all these characters that are not supposed to be there somehow return and get stuck in an endless loop of trying to re-initiate the quest.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:02 pm

Difference is they can put whatever they want into a game and bugs be damned..
If they made a car it would have to meet minimal guidelines period Lol
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:56 pm

Any take into account the fact that cars cost tens of thousands of dollars, and this game only cost about sixty? Come on, be serious. Car companies spend millions to test and test and test. There's a reason that car you drive set you back $14,000 when it was new.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:45 am

Honestly man, I'm having a lot of trouble taking you seriously. Your obviously up here to just start a fight, which is a real shame because many people tend to agree with you.

I'm here to start a fight? Wow. My post attacked no one; I stated facts and addressed a situation. The people who are here to start a fight, are those of you with very sad lives who need to post things that have very little to do with the actual topic, and try to spite people or get under their skin, which unfortunately for you and the others who can't disagree and discuss in a civil manner, doesn't work on me as I'm sure I have much more to feel good about in my life. If you can't discuss without the spite and venom, and immaturity, please refrain from posting in this thread.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:35 pm

Being that gamesas is a game studio and not a car manufacturer, I agree with this post. I wouldn't drive a car they made either :/
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:54 am

Your reasoning is illogical, a car is a considerably less complex object than a game. If a game were put together with the same standard of care as a car it would be worse than Bethesda's games currently are.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:17 pm

A Bethesda car might have the odd squeak and rattle, but it'd look great, be more enjoyable to drive than any other car and last 20 times as long, for the same money. Where do I sign up for one?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:14 am

Your reasoning is illogical, a car is a considerably less complex object than a game. If a game were put together with the same standard of care as a car it would be worse than Bethesda's games currently are.

We've got a vulcan here!

But seriously -- the car thing is just an exaggerated an anology to get a point across in a colorful manner. You're focusing too much on it.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:52 am

I'm here to start a fight? Wow. My post attacked no one; I stated facts and addressed a situation. The people who are here to start a fight, are those of you with very sad lives who need to post things that have very little to do with the actual topic, and try to spite people or get under their skin, which unfortunately for you and the others who can't disagree and discuss in a civil manner, doesn't work on me as I'm sure I have much more to feel good about in my life. If you can't discuss without the spite and venom, and immaturity, please refrain from posting in this thread.

Your lack of spite is awe inspiring lol

And good for you, I'm glad your satisfied with life. It's always good to see people getting something out of that which makes them happy.

I am not sure if you read the rest of my post or just the opening portion... but if you would like to go back and re-read it, it presents my opinion regarding yours rather calmly.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:26 pm

Guys, don't forget...

If they did manufacture a car, we would be forced to drive it in third person.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:51 pm

If Bethesda developed a car...

- It wouldn't have a manual gearbox. Most drivers don't want to drive a stick, they just want to press the accelerator and go.

- It wouldn't have a passenger seat or a backseat. This car only provides enjoyment for one person. And you can't let your friend borrow your car, either.

- It would have a CD player, but the CD is stuck, so you have to listen to the same songs all the time.

- It would have small wheels. The car is not for off road and the wheels are big enough for how fast you'll be driving.

- It wouldn't have windscreen wipers. What's the point if the car isn't even going to have a windscreen?

- It wouldn't have mirrors. Many of Bethesda's customers have narrow vision, so they wouldn't be able to use them anyway.

- It probably wouldn't have AI, but if it did, it would act pretty stupid most of the time. Not smart like KITT.

- It wouldn't have doors. Just like most race cars. It's streamlined and makes the car feel more solid.

- It would be made of wood. None of that fancy space age alloy crap for Bethesda. Wood has proven its use over thousands of years. Metal has only been used in construction for what, a 150 years?

- It would be propelled by gravitational energy, a fancy way of saying it only goes downhill. You'll always end up in the same place, but that's where you were meant to go.

That's right, it's a soapbox car.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:30 pm

We've got a vulcan here!

But seriously -- the car thing is just an exaggerated an anology to get a point across in a colorful manner. You're focusing too much on it.

Well, the whole point of your thread was to make the anology. Which, in my opinion, isn't very well thought out. Cars cost about 50,000% more than video games, and are considerably less complex. Considering how many millions of lines of code and data that are in this game, then decompress all of the with some of the most advanced compression available to it's full operating size, and you literally have hundreds of billions of components to this video game.

Cars have, what, like 300,000 parts? Video games are more akin to a fleet of space shuttles, especially one as big as Skyrim. And guess what, some of the foremost engineering experts in the world crashed 2 space shuttles. Exceptionally complex systems have flaws, it's just human nature. 5 guys in a room testing this game for 6 months are not going to find 10% of the glitches that 250,000 people every hour, playing all over the world, on every conceivable hardware configuration, for days straight are going to dig up.

It's just mathematically impossible for them to test this game to the same standard that you expect a car to be tested, without charging us $24,000 for it.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:58 am

I would have to say putting together a game is much harder than a car. And judging by the millions of sales the game sure seems finished to me. is it perfect? no, it has bugs. just like how cars will have recalls

Well you'll be pleased to know the ps3 copy of Skyrim is having mass recalls at wallmarts and eb games across canada :ahhh:

A.k.a angry customers demanding their money from stores.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:08 pm

Haha you all got trolled, nice one OP.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:47 am

Name a giant open world game without any bugs or glitches.

Name anygame without bugs and glitches.
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An Lor
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:48 am

Well, the whole point of your thread was to make the anology. Which, in my opinion, isn't very well thought out. Cars cost about 50,000% more than video games, and are considerably less complex. Considering how many millions of lines of code and data that are in this game, then decompress all of the with some of the most advanced compression available to it's full operating size, and you literally have hundreds of billions of components to this video game.

Cars have, what, like 300,000 parts? Video games are more akin to a fleet of space shuttles, especially one as big as Skyrim. And guess what, some of the foremost engineering experts in the world crashed 2 space shuttles. Exceptionally complex systems have flaws, it's just human nature. 5 guys in a room testing this game for 6 months are not going to find 10% of the glitches that 250,000 people every hour, playing all over the world, on every conceivable hardware configuration, for days straight are going to dig up.

It's just mathematically impossible for them to test this game to the same standard that you expect a car to be tested, without charging us $24,000 for it.

Don't forget to have a protein shake, now that you've worked out your internet forum pseudo-intellectual muscle for the day; the point is the product testing and control is of a very low standard. Everyone is very impressed with your ability to make painfully literal anologies.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:57 pm

Name a giant open world game without any bugs or glitches.

Name anygame without bugs and glitches.

Dungeons and Dragons -- pen and paper version.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:39 pm

Don't forget to have a protein shake, now that you've worked out your internet forum pseudo-intellectual muscle for the day; the point is the product testing and control is of a very low standard. Everyone is very impressed with your ability to make painfully literal anologies.

Honestly, pot reference boy, if you can't conduct yourself calmly and without spite, you might want to refrain from posting... :nono:
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Solène We
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:48 pm

If the OP wants to post in the Hardware forum with some specific examples of his problems, we will be very grateful, however, making a general topic just to vaguely and badly complain about a comparison with a car is not productive.
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