Speaking of perspective, you should look at someone else's other than your own. There is plenty of evidence if you look at the many reports of game breaking bugs, made by many people; just because some people have a "break free" experience, does not mean that many others aren't having serious issues that they shouldn't be having.
Honestly man, I'm having a lot of trouble taking you seriously. Your obviously up here to just start a fight, which is a real shame because many people tend to agree with you.
I have read most all of the big complaints about the game and they are mostly overblown IMO. I've dealt with similar bugs in other games and they hardly justify getting one's panties in a knot. Implying something is hastily thrown together just because it has a few bugs isn't really realistic. Also, while your complaining about a lack of play testing, bethesda Did do game testing, because it was in the News that they did, when one of their testers set the record for beating the game. Now, if knowing that you say then: "Well they didn't do ENOUGH testing" Well... were they supposed to break the deadline they put forward at the beginning of the year for a load of bugs they could sort out in minor patches? For that matter, how many of these bugs do you think were present prior to testing, and how many do you think cropped up as a result of the fixing they did as a result OF testing. 100% bug free games don't happen at release. The closest you get is some Blizzard titles, but even those have bugs. Does that mean the whole industry is flawed?
If EVERYONE is doing something wrong, that typically means that your expectations are set a couple rungs too high on the ladder. When you release a product, no matter how much testing you have put behind it, statistics will show that you have missed SOMETHING because the chance of it happening was minute. If there is a 0.001% chance of something happening, and you run 1000 tests... there is only a 1% chance you will find that problem. Now, release the product and it gets sold to 1,000,000,000 people who use it multiple times a day... Someone, somewhere is going to find that issue... and you had no idea it even existed.