How many of you would feel comfortable driving a car manufactured with the same standard of care that is held for the mechanics and operation of Bethesda's games? I'd be horrified; every passing second would be filled with anxiety and fear for my life and my safety.
Is the game complex beyond common understanding? Yes. Are there innumerable positives to the game? Yes, and the standards for story telling, visual and auditory detail, and over experience are obviously evident; a lot of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears went into this game, but it does not invalidate or illegitimize this very simple fact:
As a professional, you do not release a product until it works properly.
Bethesda, your disrespect and disloyalty to your fans and customers is astounding; we spend our hard earned money, and waste our limited time, on products that are defective in every sense of the word, only to be met with a PR statement on twitter, dripping with condescension. The fact is, you're more annoyed at the fans legitimate reactions, when you should be more disappointed in your own selves, and your company and employees.
When I buy a car, a movie, a meal, a computer, a book -- the car isn't half finished off the assembly line. The movie doesn't stop in the middle, because they haven't finished filming. Portions of the meal aren't raw and uncooked. The author doesn't leave it a note on page 42 asking the reader to "calm down," because he hasn't finished writing the story.
We pay for games that are finished and ready for us to play; we are not interested in paying for a demo disc to hold onto while you finish your job, waiting for the game to become fully playable weeks or months later.
You should be ashamed. Get it together, Bethesda.