I voted no because I'm a pc player and I think as long as everyone is free to play on the platform of choice, there should be no holding back on purpose. Each platform should be used at its maximum.
I agree. There is another problem I'd like to mention, however. I'm not sure how many PC players really give a damn, but on the console side of things, the PS3 seems to commonly get the short end of the multiplatform gaming stick (inferior ports from the 360 version; low framerates or weaker graphics... despite the PS3 technically being a BIT more capable). So, it isn't plainly consoles being catered for in many cases, but rather oftentimes the 360. The PS3 is FAR closer than a top-of-the-line gaming PC to the 360's hardware capabilities, of course, but a different architecture on the PS3 and a lack of proper fine-tuning for that architecture (and lack of actual utilization of the PS3's Blu-Ray format and the PS3's hard drive for larger games) in its ports result in PS3 versions weaker than they should, or rather could, be. At the very least, I would expect the PS3 version to be, in most cases, equal to the 360 version. Instead, it's oftentimes slightly inferior (low framerates spring to mind as particular nuisances).