Uhm... Thank goodness I went to college.
Uhm... Thank goodness I went to college.
I haven't given the topic much thought, but I'm going with this explanation. Seems pretty convincing to me.
And signed the petition to boycott Star Wars due to the lack of young white male leads?
It means they don't want you to play the game again and put them through more hell, they rather sleep in peace, you monster.
It's obvious they're telling you to play another game.
In honor of this thread, I am going to ensure all of my settlement guards are women with miniguns.
It's just your cognitive bias, OP. I'm quite sure that if there were any complete statistics, it would be pretty balanced.
123 lbs lifting 365 lbs. What can you lift???
The only thing that upsets me about this is that she weighs as much as I do. :c
umm...this means squat
you might not be included in this, but i know a TON of people that went to college and even graduated and are f'in morons
I'm actually pretty sure he's right. Beth has a bias of giving women the traditional heavy roles, probably to [censored] with people like the OP. Thank you Beth for trolling bigots with your game.
I need to get Ronda Rousey and Serana Williams to weigh in on this subject.
My gut tells me this thread could become a trainwreck, hopefully we won't let it come to.
Anyway, my take on it is in the type of world Fallout portrays it could be argued that women learn to be tough.
As to women using a mingun, well, it is doubtful that even guys wouldn't be able to go firing them unmounted like they do in FO4 (with the exception of power armour, which could plausiibly allow this).
Interesting clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arMJQDkNjuo- to demonstrate this; The woman, who's build is comparable to FO NPCs, clearly can hold the minigun,the weight of the gun itself isn't an issue. However, she is firing blanks which is why she has no recoil issues, with live ammo the recoil would be hard on either sixes for a minigun.
Yes, I was looking for the right word, but that nails it.
And which one hasn't been? Tenpenny tower, the argonians of Windhaven, the beggars in the imperial city, the slaves of the the Dunmer in Morrowind...
Exactly, that's what Bethesda games are. They also like to keep it a little bleak at the end.