*EDIT* Some of you are way too defensive while others have some sense. Want proof? Go on the BOS ship, as another poster pointed out, talk to the soldiers. Maybe they are random flagged but in my game and his 80% of the PA users (higher ranks/better fighters) are female. Read the post and other posts here before making your left wing uniformed comment.
Ok I know this is going to get flack but I had to make a post on this. I don't think "Feminist" is quite the right word but the title had to fit.
Why are women in Fallout 3/4 seemingly always the toughest/heavy weapon user/best geared? First of all, I have no problems with women in a position of power. I DO have a problem with someone who looks like a ballet dancer holding a minigun.
Fallout 3- havn't played in ages, but the heavy gunner of that merc group was female. I have not played in so long I wont make other references and just leave it to 4.
Fallout 4-
1) Toughest fighter you run into, story wise, is Cait, a woman.
2) First minigun user you run into is Ack Ack, a woman
3) Rail Road guards, when you first enter, holding a minigun is a woman. (granted, shes a Synth, but it continues the trend)
4) Forged Flamer users are always women (I confirmed this by checking the esm file while I was modding)
5) Only member of Gunners (that I have run into... and I have run into a lot) who gets PA is a woman. There is even a message on the computer that says something to the effect of "stop complaining, you got the suit of PA" I would assume the greatest fighter gets it, because Clint was the highest ranked in that area.
6) Raider Boss with PA and a Minigun in the government building (forget the name) near the RR base is a woman.
7) Drug dealers "hired muscle" by that diner store is a woman who looks like she wear a size 2.
8) John Hancock's bodyguard, and once more, heavy weapon user is female.
By comparison, the only male human non BOS I can name with a minigun/gatling laser is the Roach King guy by Corvega.
A few have Fat Boys but those are explosive, not heavy weapons.
I've noticed this throughout Bethesda's games... I don't know who decides the six of what type of character but someone gets off on seeing women with guns bigger then they are there, that's for sure. Once again before you start picking up your torches and pitchforks, I don't mind a woman being a leader but they simply don't fit the "heavy fighter" role. I could see them as archers, rogues, spies, snipers, even front line with a rifle, but they just look dumb teetering around with a heavy weapon with biceps as big as the males wrists.