Bethesda find some balance ffs!

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:14 pm

u guys are talking about 2 completely different game styles. morrowind and oblivion were meant to be PC games. they were specifically designed with a pc in mind and had the complexities as such. skyrim is a console game. its arcadey and simple.

not both ways are perfectly valdi and perfectly fun, but u need to realize that they exist and stop judging the 2 as if they were done with the same mentality in mind because they werent. skyrim is essentially a console port

Oblivion was made with consoles in mind infact, thats why I said earlier that this is where the dumbing down started, because that is where the complexity of elder scrolls took the biggest hit.

However, PC users have always been Bethesdas staunchest players, and pandering to the console crowd which arn't even the largest player base, seems rather foolish.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:22 pm

In nearly every game you could do an alchemy stacking exploit. Balance is unknown in TES games even though they are massively fun

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:29 am

You clearly said Morrowind was the golden middle. Basically saying it was perfect.

Yea,golden middle which means it can suit both hardcoe rpgers and mainstream players,and it wasnt perfect at all.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:08 pm

Oblivion was made with consoles in mind infact, thats why I said earlier that this is where the dumbing down started, because that is where the complexity of elder scrolls took the biggest hit.

However, PC users have always been Bethesdas staunchest players, and pandering to the console crowd which arn't even the largest player base, seems rather foolish.

So now we're onto platform wars?

This thread has it all.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:58 pm

TES fans are the worst kinds of hipsters...
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:46 pm

You should have played it,although its graphics are aged,and combat system is lame the game is imo best rpg ever,a 1000+ hours game,i myself played it for years. As more as i play skyrim im just loosing the need to play it,and im only lvl 30.Whole game is based around caves,outside of them there are small number of things that i find interesting,and non stop exploring of caves can get you fond of it.Fact is Skyrim could have been much better game if it implemented some aspects Morrowind had and kept some of its own.

Arena and Daggerfall were basically 98% cave/dungeon exploring, and that what Elder Scrolls have been missing since Morrowind. I like the fact that the caves/dungeons in this game are the main thing and that they are big this time. To me this game feels closer to what made me fall in love with The Elder Scrolls in the first place.

IMO this how I would order the games in greatness.

1- Daggerfall
2- Arena
3- Skyrim
4- Morrowind
5- Oblivion
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Kate Norris
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:01 am

Get mad at me all you want, but I never played Morrowind. I think most people who say Morrowind was the best game, was because it was your first elder scrolls, hence the nostalgic value and totally different gameplay experience. As I say same with oblivion, overall I had more fun in oblivion then Skyrim, because it was a new gaming experience for me. Even thou I know for fact I couldn't go back to Oblivion, because Skyrim is better kinda weird huh? For those who played Daggerfall first seem to think Morrowind and Oblivion were bad. I seems to be the same results on who played what game first.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:57 am

Get mad at me all you want, but I never played Morrowind. I think most people who say Morrowind was the best game, was because it was your first elder scrolls, hence the nostalgic value and totally different gameplay experience. As I say same with oblivion, overall I had more fun in oblivion then Skyrim, because it was a new gaming experience for me. Even thou I know for fact I couldn't go back to Oblivion, because Skyrim is better kinda weird huh? For those who played Daggerfall first seem to think Morrowind and Oblivion were bad. I seems to be the same results on who played what game first.

Morrowind is the third.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:26 am

the fact that you called skyrim massive shows you havent played an elder scrolls game before(its actually slightly smaller than oblivion)

But almost twice as large as Morrowind. It's the same size, area-wise, as Oblivion.

Want to know a dirty secret? Morrowind is a console-oriented game.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:04 pm

This isn't a FPS game for crap sake.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:21 am

This isn't a FPS game for crap sake.

At least read the first post before placing a comment on a topic and saying things that got nothing to do with anything discussed here..
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:58 pm

But almost twice as large as Morrowind. It's the same size, area-wise, as Oblivion.

Want to know a dirty secret? Morrowind is a console-oriented game.

Built for PC ported to console. Big difference, most AAA games today are built for console ported to PC. Like Skyrim
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louise fortin
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:03 pm

Arena and Daggerfall were basically 98% cave/dungeon exploring, and that what Elder Scrolls have been missing since Morrowind. I like the fact that the caves/dungeons in this game are the main thing and that they are big this time. To me this game feels closer to what made me fall in love with The Elder Scrolls in the first place.

IMO this how I would order the games in greatness.

1- Daggerfall
2- Arena
3- Skyrim
4- Morrowind
5- Oblivion

I'm with you on this... although I never played Arena, I miss the dungeon crawling in Daggerfall. Skyrim seems to have brought back that feel to it (atleast to some degree).
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Cody Banks
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:13 am

Here OP, think I solved the problem for you. First, grab
Next you'll want to download
After that just grab anything to further enhance your desired experience.

Have fun.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:14 am


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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:43 pm

But how more dumbing down are we ready to take,how much is too much? If dumbing down started from Daggerfall,and continued to Morrowind,to Oblivion,to Skyrim,where is the end of it?? Shouldnt there be a point where Beth should say "stop",we are not gonna simplify things even more.Thats the reason why i started this thread at all,there should be a point where Beth should stop doing that.Morrowind was GOLDEN MIDDLE between too complex and too simple,TES shouldnt be neither more complex neither more simplified than Morrowind!

When the game stops out selling its predecessor in this first week.

Its not my opinion only but opinion of many TES players,as it can be seen on forums,many people are disatisfied with how some things with TES are going.

Sorry, it is not "many people" is the loud minority who cant stop whining. There was a poll about how satisfied this community was on TESV. The pro's easily beat the con's at a 5-1 clip. In other words there was one hater for every five lovers.

Yea,golden middle which means it can suit both hardcoe rpgers and mainstream players,and it wasnt perfect at all.

This is subjective. You make this statement as if it's true or a valid premise to operate under and are surprised when people with disagree with you. Sale's figures say you are wrong. More people are buying the game as TES progressivly goes more mainstream thereby hitting a larger percentage of customers. That is what being the video game industry is about, hitting that sweet middle ground of players and gamesas has done it well. While I'm sure they wish they could please everyone at launch, its impossible. Here is the kicker, the game is moddable and has the ability to add content for the next 5-7 years so almost anyone who buys the PC version will have a large amount of free downloadable content that hits every facet of the game.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:46 am

What are the odds this is the same guy posting the same topic over and over?
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brandon frier
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:29 am

Yay, another Morrowind thread.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:59 pm

Oblivion was made with consoles in mind infact, thats why I said earlier that this is where the dumbing down started, because that is where the complexity of elder scrolls took the biggest hit.

However, PC users have always been Bethesdas staunchest players, and pandering to the console crowd which arn't even the largest player base, seems rather foolish.

Since Oblivion the "console crowd" has made up around 80% of the TES userbase. Check up your facts before bashing a part of the userbase and spreading ignorance.

Skyrim sold almost 3.5 million units at retail, of which 15% were PC. At that time, it peaked at 175k concurrent users online on Steam, and it's a Steamworks game, so retail copies concur to that mount. The PC vs console split, first week, was probably something like 500k vs 3 millions.

TES is a console oriented saga now because the lion share of its fans are console gamers. And judging from this forum, I'm starting to think Bethesda is fairly glad of that.
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:43 am

I guess I'm one of the mainstream players gamesas wanted to get because I haven't played any of the TES games and I LOVE Skyrim. I wanted to play oblivion, but by the time I showed interest the game had already been out for a while so I didn't bother. I bought Skyrim for my ps3, but I came from playing PC games you know the usual fps counter strike, team fortress, half life, etc until I just didn't have the money/desire to keep up with the hardware upgrades I continued onto console games. But playing Skyrim and knowing the PC community will have mods for this game makes me want to build a PC so I can enjoy Skyrim long after I've finished the game. That's what I missed about PC gaming was the community that modded the game to extend the life of the game. That is also why I stopped playing any fps games for console because once a new one comes out everybody just flocks to that new game and all of a sudden the servers are empty. I'm late to all the TES games, but I'm glad I picked up Skyrim and I'm sorry OP that you feel that gamesas has dumbed down Skyrim for players like me, but you describing Morrowmind makes me want to play that too!
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