In Morrowind there were much more guild quest,more guilds to join,cities were bigger (Vivec was huge),there were more different enemies,creatures and monsters,every bandit in game had his name,main quest was much bigger and more epic,there were more spells,you could also make your own spells,much more different items,you werent restricted to 1 ring like in Skyrim,you had left/right glove,boot,you had pauldrons,greaves,Morrowind was much more unpredictable and fun to explore (in Skyrim you know that there will be chest waiting for you at end of dungeon,i dont even opet other chest because i know there is nothing inside),and i probably forgot to list some more things..
I'm not sure what that has to do with balance. What exactly are you suggesting is "dumbed down"?
I have not played Morrow in a long tine and do not really remember it. I do know that you can beat the game in 10 minutes so your claim of an "epic" and "bigger" main quest is flat out wrong. As far as quantity of content, you have a valid point, however with the size of the content provided in Skyrim it did not leave much room for anything else. As far as quality and epic nature..... that's subjective and most people who've bought the game disagree with you. That does not make you wrong for you opinion....just an oddity. Keep in mind, this game does not get made if consoles are not part of the package. The risk of developing this game solely for PC far outweighs the potential revenue gamesas lose by not adapting to a console market. That is likely the reason you do not have the scope and "size" that was present in Morrowwind. Besides that, this game, if on PC has a shelf life of additional content for at least the next 5-6 years. If you bought the console version.....its your own damn fault.
Can not argue about the one ring issue....but seem like minor complaint.
Unpredictable? I've been constantly surprised by the variety in this game. That is another subjective topic that is always going to be debated.
I've found a bunch of loot in outside of the "boss" chest. Staffs, expensive poitions, etc, etc...So I know you are wrong on this one.