» Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:54 pm
Simply speaking, Scaleform is the name of the Flash player (as in Adobe Flash) that the video game uses. Each menu is an SWF movie written in ActionScript using Adobe's Flash and reacts to input given to it by the game.
Our HUD Widget Framework is a framework designed so that people can load their own , or our own, widgets (SWFs), display them on the HUD, and control them via a papyrus interface. For a more detailed explanation, see our https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nhbi9wztQq0YrYWMu1IQTC3WA2O3oAXhFxj_izxfQQU/edit.
The perk screen (statsmenu) does not do the displaying of the perks, nor does it position them. It only positions textboxes containing each stat's information.
The statsmenu in an interface to a camera (viewport) which is movable around the stats sphere. The stats sphere contains the constellations (made up of stars) and the background nif.
The star's (each perk's) information is sent to the statmenu SWF by the game as a string, along with the star's azimuth and (it's either distance or altitude, I can't remember off the top of my head). The perk's information is then displayed, scaled, and positioned, according to the viewport's position. It is only the text that is positioned via flash, not the star/constellation positions.
So... You're a werewolf in Dawnguard.... When statsmenu is opened, the game creates a "new" stats sphere, with a new background gif, and new constellations. The position (psi and theta) of each star, and each star's information, are sent to statsmenu, from the game, and are positioned in the correct locations when you move around the sphere with wasd, or clicking. Again, it is only the text that is positioned by flash.
I hope that's clear enough... I'm really poor at explaining things..
What you could possibly do, however, is... not so much modify the existing perk screen, (because there'll never be a nice way of removing the background or having full control over mouse+kb control), but add in your own menu elsewhere. Something we'll be probably be looking into in the near future.