Once again someone completely missing the point of the complaint. "Pure" destruction mages don't just rely on destruction - they also use illusion to hide or alteration/restoration as protection. These however do no damage. Conjuration is the only other option for damage within the magic schools, but it is a fundamentally different way of dealing damage, and has a totally different feel. If you don't want to be a pet class or a melee mage, you're screwed after a certain point because of how destruction has been constructed. Your argument seems to suggest that destruction mages are failing because they only level one skill which is not the case at all. They are failing because at a certain point their damage dealing skill becomes nearly useless.
Actually the fury spells also do indirect damage like conjuration but are within the illusion school rather then conjuration. Not so great against a single target admit-ably but then you're not an archer, you're a mage. Alteration has Paralyze, while it is an expert leveled spell, it's OPed in what it does. Also clearly you aren't meant to be able to fury a boss so it's not underpowered in how you have to select the weaker minions.
As a fighter you pretty much have to choose to either use one or two handed weapons. There is no point choosing both, because they both do the same thing but in slightly different ways and you'd just be wasting perks that could be more useful elsewhere. You choose whichever one you feel suits your character best. This is like destruction/conjuration - one is direct damage the other indirect/melee. However, with magic users they are forced to use conjuration after a certain point if they started using destruction to begin with. It is like forcing a two-hander to switch to one-handed weapons after level 40 because they suddenly became incapable of hurting anything.
No I'd compare this more to a fighter having to use archery which you will do when fighting dragons. Until you get Dragonrend it's quite difficult to face dragons as a melee since they love to stay in the air and so you have to use a different form of damage. In other words melee fighters are forced to use alternative skills, however you don't have to put perks into archery but you still occasionally have to use a bow and arrow. There is also a couple of boss fights for the quest "Forbidden Legend" which is near impossible using any type of melee attack. This boss is Sigdis who you have to fight twice. he teleports around a lot as an archer, creates dopplegangers all capable of using Disarm and the 3rd tier of Unrelenting Force. Overall I don't buy the argument that conjuration and destruction are as similar as 1 handed and 2 handed weapons. Primarily since you can use both destruction spells while already having a summon out.. you can not use a 1-handed sword at the same time as a 2-handed sword or even a bow which is of course different.
The important thing is not effectiveness, but how a character feels. It's not about conjuration being better than destruction, but about destruction being useless after a point. It's not about mages not using enough of their skills, but about mages being forced to use ones they don't want to.
Destruction is probably my 5th most used skill on my current main character and it doesn't feel useless, it feels slow but then again my character is more melee based then magic based... just for clarity sake, in order my most used skills would go, 1-handed, block, heavy armor, restoration, destruction, archery and conjuration (I just love watching flaming wolves blow up on ice wraiths...).
NO. It is like a warrior using a certain weapon type up to level 40, and then having to train in another style because their first choice became useless. Destruction mages are using other skills, but eventually what were their support skills have to become their primaries because the first choice of damage became rubbish. I get the impression you're probably around level 25 when destruction feels amazing. You have a nasty surprise in store...
I've had to get 2-handed sword to level 100, why? because too level up in this game you need to level the skills... only using 1 tree is going to limit you from that fact alone. I have zero perks in 2-handed sword but if you want to get more powerful you need to learn it all by the end, even if you have no perks in it.
Really? Do you actually think it's unreasonable for mages to want to play as, well, a mage? This isn't just whining, it's a legitimate problem as one of the favourite TES skills is now extremely broken. The request isn't to make destruction uber powerful, but to make it scale properly. It works fine for 40 levels and then just stops while everything else gets stronger. Here's a little empathy experiment for you: imagine your favourite way of hurting people in Skyrim stops getting better after a point and you have to switch to something else. Would that annoy you? Of course it would. What would you do about it? Oh, I'm sure you'd never complain on the forums, you'd just svck it up and make the switch because it would be totally silly to try and get the developers to patch the game so that it actually works, now wouldn't it? <_<
The skill isn't broken, it just focuses more on area effects rather then single targets, which really is what magic should be more about... the problem is that there should still be something for single targets but this doesn't mean the skill is "broken". Which is why I said before the AoE spells should be made more AoE based and then adept versions of the novice spells added.
The problem is NOT with destruction being underpowered but with the fact that destructions usage changes radically. It goes from overpowered to underpowered, and it is that inconsistency that is the problem. It may well not become useless in higher levels, but for a character built on using destruction having to switch from a DPS role in combat to supporting your companions and summons changes the way the game feels entirely, a massive change of character that is forced onto the player. I know I'm repeating myself here, but people don't seem to understand where this complaint is coming from. It is, quite literally, like forcing a melee character into becoming an archer and supporting their follower in combat. It's not a fun transition, and it's very frustrating. Please stop telling people they are using destruction wrong when it works perfectly fine up to a certain point. In a game about character choice, a skill that fails to deliver from the start (eg speech) is vastly more preferable to one that is immensely fun for a while and then requires a restart.
The problem is more like that magic just starts a bit too overpowered and so you lose that feeling of being a bit overpowered rather then it being dramatically underpowered. The Apprentice spells still hurt high leveled mobs a noticeable amount, more then a simple/normal sword strike does with a deadric sword*. On the issue of that drop in power, my opinion is that adept and expert leveled spells give little for focusing on only one a single enemy and focus too much on AoE which only helps if there is 2~5 enemy in front of you. Because of this all the spells at adept of higher have a magicka cost which isn't all that brilliant and so costs a lot more to cast them then needs be. Of course with enough destruction skill you do cut the cost of those spells a lot...
* assuming no upgrades (IE legendary)