Here are just a few of the many shortcomings of Destruction magic:
-No power attacks.
-Dual casting increases damage output by 20%, while being 25% less economical--that is, casting a spell once in each hand will deal more damage for less magicka after just five attacks (with higher DPS, to boot, since two hands can attack faster separately than together).
-Only the Alchemy skill can augment Destruction's power, while the other direct combat skills (One Handed, Two Handed, Archery) can find benefit in all three crafting skills; Enchanting is a magic skill and still cannot increase magical damage output since there is no "X spell does more damage" enchantment, but there is an "X combat skill does more damage" enchantment.
-Though many of us, myself included, consider enchanting -100% spell cost breaking the game, it is still of little benefit--spellpower will not increase, so even free casting is generally (read: almost always) less powerful than other offensive skills.
-On the above note, other combat skills do not require stamina whatsoever (unlike Destruction, which requires magicka to cast). Only power attacks and zooming with the bow require stamina. This means that other combat skills are almost always free to use, and even in the case of stamina usage, power attacks only require ONE point of stamina to execute, while magic requires a minimum amount of magicka to cast.
-Melee and Archery damage numbers increase with the skill, but Destruction magic gains neither a damage increase or a cost reduction based on skill.
-Enchantments may require souls and potions may only be temporary, but weapons can have a permanently increased damage rating when improved at the smithy--Destruction spells cannot be improved outside of perks (which all other offensive skills have), not even with the magic crafting skill, Enchanting.
-Fireballs cannot be poisoned. A powerful Deadric sword with a paralysis and absorb health enchantment, however, can have weakness to fire poison applied to it for good measure so that the fire and shock enchanted war axe in the other hand is supported as well--not to mention the paralysis poison on THAT weapon, as well as the chance to paralyze with a backward power attack. Destruction, on the other hand, can only paralyze with frost spells, and only when the opponent is too close to death for it to make a difference, anyway.
We've complained and compared enough, but how do we know when (or if) Bethesda will hear us, and what they will do? It's been said (I believe in Oblivion) that mages wield a might sharper than any blade, but that's about as far from the truth as it gets: Destruction is, demonstrably, the weakest of the offensive skills. Ideally, I would say that the school needs every spell at least doubled in base power (some tripled, like Flames, Frostbite and Sparks), as well as the novice through master perks granting an extra 5% power each, with spell cost being 20% higher at its base and going down with skill.
Thoughts? I hope Bethesda hears us: your mages want more power! :mage: