Lol, OP, the way things are going nowadays I'll be happy if there's still a freaking pc retail version of a video game instead of a stupid ass Steam key inside the box like Metal Gear Solid V and Mad Max. But seriously, and frankly, it is actually us, the gamers, who are more to blame than the companies for this issue. If there were more people complaining, or better yet, not buying games because of the lack of physical niceties inside a box, then companies would definitely pay more attention and would start bending more to the consumer's will. But since many people are increasingly opting for digital downloads for whatever reason, companies no longer have the incentive to produce the high cost of physical content - for pc at least. And companies are not stupid as to lower the price if people are still buying the freaking games without manuals, maps, etc., at $60 without a flinch.
The way I see things, for pc users, the physical retail version of games(with maps, manuals, stickers, tokens, etc) will be something of a bygone era. It is the people who often dictate the fashions, the tastes. Companies just deliver what people want.