In an ideal world were bunnies roam without fear of foxes or chelsea tractors I imagine that Interplay and Bethesda could arrange a partnership in the fallout franchise or at least co-operate at a closer level.
That's not even an Ideal World, it's pure fantasy even
in an actual Ideal World. No offense, mind.
I mean FO: 3 is by no stretch of the imagination a bad game but it might have been nice if more of the original developers were perhaps called up on an off the record basis and asked for tips and pointers - that might well have happened but I heard nothing of it though thats somewhat logical considering it would have been off the record.
I'm not sure, really, what they could have contributed that would have improved FO3 all that much. I've always felt that FO3 captured the inner essence of the Fallout setting
extremely well. Obviously, it's not perfect ... and bears room for improvement (how much room there is, differs from person to person ... nd a mod has asked us not to go there,
so let's just leave it at "there is room for improvement" and not split hairs any finer than that, shall we?). But I think the critical,
key point, Bethesda got darned well ... at least for me: it
feels like a Fallout game.
If you want to discuss this point with me further, I think we'd best take it to PM, or start a different thread entirely. We're way over by the margin of the map on this one, and I think the nearest label reads "THERE BE MODS HERE" ...
I understand the business world is all about making maximum profits for minimum loss but you cant deny its sad from a unbyaist point of veiw that the tables have turned on Interplay so that the franchise they have created (which admittedly they sold) has probably had its last Interplay related connection severed. Of course I'm talking about this from an emotional perspective. Business wise it all makes sense but for a shallow oppertunity to add some intellectual clout to this post from an ex Pink Floyd member.

Interplay dug it's own grave, and
not recently. My tears for Interplay were shed long, long ago. I refuse to shed any MORE tears just because it's bloated corpse keeps insisting on
twitching every now and then.
You want to be mad at someone? Try the people who ran a once-beloved and successful company ("By Gamers, For Gamers") into the ground.
I don't remember the screen name (and never knew their
real name), but back when I was young, foolish, and *twitch* on AOL ... I actually knew one of the creative sorts from Interplay, in passing. Fellow regular in the RPG-Community chatroom. HIM, and folks like him - the ones that REALLY gave us Fallout, not the Suits and Stuffed Shirts that ran the company into the ground - that's who I miss. (Especially since I was chattign with him semi-regularly
while the whole "unpaid salaries" thing was happening, IIRC.)
Makes me wish they hadn't sold the IP and had just died, heh.
If that had happened, they'd've dragged Fallout down with them. And no matter what anyone may feel about FO3-vs-FO1&2?
At least there's a Fallout at all. Which means, there's hope for the
future. If Interplay had kept the Fallout IP, and taken it to the bottom along with their rusty, leaking tub of a ship ... then we wouldn't have that, at all. We'd be left with
nothing but memories.