As valued members of the Bethesda community, we’re excited to share that beginning later today, you will be the first to be able to register your username for
What is On top of being the home of the new forums, it's our growing hub for all things Bethesda: community, games, mods, and more on the way.
As longstanding members of, we want to make sure you have the first crack at grabbing your accounts on
A few notes to begin:
1) We’ll eventually broadcast this information to a larger group, so feel free to notify forum members that might otherwise miss this message.
2) Don’t take the username of someone else to be funny. Imagine how you’d feel if someone took your name.
3) If we see any foul play, we’ll take necessary action against accounts.
In the near future (possibly even today!!), we’ll be sharing the registration link. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in community discussion.