The question is how can we differentiate between mutants and Floridans?
The question is how can we differentiate between mutants and Floridans?
I think what bugs me the most are, say, episodes of TV shows (Star Trek series with holodecks are notorious for this) focusing heavily on, say, hill-billy or southern Americana. Or, if there is any WWII related stuff, there's cliche trumpet-based music that WWII movies do all the time as a kind of "theme song" for the American military. So, ok, in terms of Star Trek, a holodeck can justify just about anything. But some things make me wonder..."Why focus specifically on that era of US history/region of the US?" XD
But, I don't mind the Americana stuff in FO4. Makes sense, being in Boston. I have yet to actually visit IRL.
A Confederate faction actually makes WAY more sense, IMO, than a Minuteman faction. Considering that there are people in the South who would like to split off NOW...
For me its a bit strange too. I mean we already play in the 50's. Everything looks kind of old while we are in the Future and then you play with some People who like to wear 500 Years old Clothes. it is far away from being a good Armor and then even a Gun like that:
I have no Problems with the American 50's but the Minutemen Outfits is to much for me.
The America of the Falloutverse is basically a fascist police state. There's a obsession with the past in order to secure victory for the future. Just as there was victory against the Redcoats, there will be victory against China. Like everything that Pre-War America stood for this culture still survived in some pockets after the bomb. The Minutemen are as much a relic of the world just before the bombs as they are of the real life Minutemen.
Im also pretty glad that all of this stuff exists. Gives the Falloutverse a unique flavour that you don't get from other post-apocalyptic worlds. Even if im not American myself, it's nice to see the exaggerated propaganda history taken to its extremes with robots wearing tricorne hats talking about the many threats that exist all around the world.
disagree with the op - this total exageration of "USA" totally fits the fallout story and lore and is fun - it really helps create the atmosphere...stuff like liberty prime - democracy is not negociable - its hillarious.... i love it
and i really love that they always pick up specific "atmospheric themes" for the game - i loved the whole indepence / minutemen stuff from 4, i loved the whole western / rangers theme from new vegas, fallout 3 lacked a bit in a "theme" i think or i cant remember
I hope they keep this up...with a overarching "theme" in each game - and these themes i think got better with every iteration, liking this one the best so far...
and im looking forward to seeing liberty prime in 5
It comes across as so nonsensical that I kind of can't help but assume that it is trollbait.
Where would you prefer the next game in the Fallout Series take place?
I think the series set in America as a commentary about American culture. It would be very out of place like if Dragon Age is set in ancient China.
I'd argue that Bethesda's 'obsession' with history is one of the best elements they've introduced to the momentary experience.
1) Yes. Most major east coast cities are collections of history. Boston and Philadelphia in particular are hubs for the Revolutionary war. Washington DC is, of course, for many monuments, but also for the Civil War (as are many cities in the south). Most American cities are actually big on their nostalgia.
2) I agree with other posters. As the Fallout series is based on a glorified and vaguely over-the-top view of the US in the '50's, most of the references and views are from that time period which was, on the whole, exceedingly patriotic (what with the Commie scares and just getting over WWII and in the midst of Korea headed for Vietnam).
While the OP may not like this aspect of the game, I found it rather accurate. As to the supposition that this is something new, as someone who has lived all over the world, ALL major cities and population centers have their own versions of this sort of thing. Look at Moscow and other major Russian cities; Germany with Berlin and Munich; France with Paris; the UK with London, et al.; China with Bejing (Peking); Japan with Tokyo; etc...
National centricity is nothing new. It's all about context.
I thought it would be Detroit. Maybe that will be the place for the live action TV Series or movie.
Americans are proud of their um ... laser muskets. Why, if it wasn't for the trusty laser musket, the Redcoats would have undoubtedly annihilated the rebels! George Washington may have had wooden teeth (lost his real ones biting into a fusion cell as a kid), but he knew how to fire a laser!. Coincidentally, he also was handy with a ripper. I hear he once used one to saw down a cherry tree ...
loool. I thought the laser muskets were crap.
maybe just because - and pls, americans don't hit me, i'm definitely not saying this disrespectfully - abe lincoln is a darn funny character, looks-wise - i mean really, the beard? the hat? if he hadn't existed, you'd need to invent the guy ) (remember the action abe figurine from fo3? i'd SO TOTALLY buy that
Abe Lincoln definitely has a bit of the Wild Wasteland in his character.
when i checked out the (real) boston map, i saw some sorts of minutemen memorial park or stg along that lines pretty much in exactly the place where sanctuary is.
might be a no1 reason they're in the game
would've been my favourite (american) location
boston would pretty much have been next though