List of things I want (bare in mind I play on XO, not PC):
#1 In-depth settlement-building interface, with a list of settlers and their assigned jobs.
#2 Third-person view in settlement building, preferably overhead.
#3 Ability to toggle "snap" when building walls in settlements (yes I know about floors, but what if I just want to build some walls?)
#4 Ability to use Gun Nut/Science to craft ammo: incendiary, explosive, etc (players shouldn't have to wait for a legendary weapon to drop if they're maxed out in Science and Gun Nut)
#5 A "companion location" screen, so they never get lost.
#6 The ability to toggle head apparel on and off, like in Skyrim. It would be easy to implement, surely, so why not give us the choice?
#7 More feedback when managing settlements: specifically, what to do to make them happier. After browsing the net, I learned that it was mainly to do with shops, food, the location of beds, and number of buildings. But why isn't this built into the interface?
#8 Quest marker bug fixes and AI getting lost fixed; overall bug fixes to quest markers, especially the main quests which bug out quite often.
#9 Framerate issues resolved on console when it rains: often drops down to around 10fps in bad weather.
#10 Fix bug where enemies will sometime visibly spawn in front of you when you fast travel.
Other than that, I absolutely adore the game and am about to start my second play through.