Is Bethesda planning on policing mods?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:59 am

Nexsusmods hasn't made a section yet, Skyrim had a section two weeks before release and the last time Dark0ne was quiet about something was when Bethesda told him to stay silent on paid mods. Looking at the EULA,

it seems Bethesda is going to determine how the game can be modded claiming any third party software( script extenders, etc ) that is made to work with their software becomes "their property", unless I'm misunderstanding it.

Does Bethesda plan on only allowing modding through Is this the price we pay for allowing console modding?

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Ian White
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:28 pm

It's been the same eula since Morrowind
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:14 pm

I agree. The Nexus has been strangely quiet in regard to FO4 modding. We will know what's up soon enough.

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Robert Devlin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:00 am

I hope there are not paid mods... That opens the door up for scam central. People should make them as a labor of love, not a profit... especially because they are using Bethesdas data to create them.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:14 pm

People, please.. Don't jump to conclusions just yet.

I see no reason why PC modding would limited any way. Besides, these games live on modding, enforcing limitations would be like Beth shooting itself in the knee with a shotgun.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:46 pm

Totally incorrect statement. BGS games CONTINUE to be played for years because of mods but you would have a hard time proving that a single cap went to BGS because of mods. If the statement they have made (that less than 10% of PC players ever used a mod), is even HALF the actual number then if every mod player did not buy the game that's a 20% loss in PC sales,....significant but nothing close to "living"...

I'm not saying they wouldn't be foolish to limit modding, but thinking (incorrectly) that "modding" in some way increases their sales by huge percentages is just self-delusional. Make no mistake, they are in this to make money so don't be surprised if they attempt to do so with mods. Despite what modders want to think the assets are Bethesda's in the end.

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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:59 pm

Beth had certain laws about mods since MW and this EULA fits their regular stance. Certain mods, which use assets from other games, are forbidden to even be spoken about on these forums.

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Alexander Horton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:11 pm

If only under 10% PC players use mods, there must be a [censored] lot of PC versions of Skyrim sold. Why? For example SkyUI has over 5.3 million unique downloads. If that represents under 10% of PC players, sales must have been astronomical.

Doesn't really help my previous point, just wanted to bring up some numbers.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:48 pm

The number Beth gave out was that only 8% of PC players ever used a mod.....not my numbers...theirs. I think it sounds way low too, but they would know long before me.

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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:43 pm

Probably workshop mods, kinda doubt they have the statistics for nexus
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:22 am

They never said "PC players", only "the Skyrim audience". It would be monumentaly stupid to include console players in the count at all, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was exactly what they did. If it's truly 8%, then each of the most popular mods would put the total number of PC players at well over 10 million - and just for one mod alone.

Unique downloads are the sum total of downloads of each updated version, so they won't tell you the number of unique users. I'm not sure what "current subscribers" on Steam Workshop means. If it's what it says, then Pure Waters with its 950k subscribers gives us almost 12 million Skyrim players.

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Justin Hankins
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:46 am

BGS has never made any attempts to police mods. All they do is provide the tools and allow people to create what they want. It leads to the best results. The only instance BGS tried to have a more intrusive hand in the modding community was when they attempted to monetize modding on Steam. That failed miserably. Now that mods are coming to console, BGS will sort what mods will be available on X1 and eventually PS4. For obvious reasons, BGS can't allow nvde mods, six mods, and many of the other advlt content mods available for PC on consoles due to ESRB ratings and the controversy that would ensue.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:22 am

BGS has no quantifiable way of determining how many PC gamers have modded Skyrim. They are definitely only using Steam, which is a fraction of the modding community. I wouldn't be surprised if Nexus has a larger modding community due to it being around a lot longer. There are also various other modding sites. Essentially, any statistics BGS used as a means of showing how unrepresented modding is on PC is nonsense. I think it's honestly fair to say more than half of PC gamers have modded Skyrim or any BGS title. That's one of the main reasons for buying a BGS game on PC, other than first person games are just better on PC.

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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:41 pm

They will have to also enforce any copyright issues as well so nothing from other games and such at least for mods made available to for download if they are going that way to make mods available for consoles.

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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:32 am

Lot's of absolute statements that you have no way of verifying (unless you are a Bethesda employee with knowledge of such things). I'm quite skeptical of the 8% number myself, but making blanket statements about what Bethesda can and cannot figure out from their code running on a system is rather naive. I'm not saying you are possibly correct, but stating your beliefs as if they are proven facts is just misleading.

Who here (that has used mods) would not have bought the games if modding did not exist for them? I get the fact that they DO exist is the issue and if they change them the PR fiasco is going to make the Valve paid mods "misunderstanding" look like a pillow fight.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:04 pm

I'd say probably not. I don't really see the meaning for there not being a mod section in Nexus to make any assumptions.

Plus, it's not like they can actually stop anyone from modding the PC game.

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Alex [AK]
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:54 pm

The point is you got these statistics from that ridiculous wall of text Bethesda used to try and justify paid mods. They also blamed mods for Oblivion getting a "M" rating and thus making them lose millions of dollars when the ESRB specifically stated it was the "mutilated bodies," "excessive gore," and "demonic symbols" they somehow missed in Oblivion gates that made them change the rating. The ESRB mentioned modding could add new advlt content, but that can't be considered in a ESRB rating if it's not in the base game.

You'd have to be an idiot (no offense) to believe only 8% of the PC community has used a mod for Skyrim. Honestly. Just look at Nexus Mods and Steam Workshop. The number of downloads for the most popular mods is astronomical. Just look at SkyUI to get a sense of how many people mod their games.

I'd buy BGS games whether mods were available or not. However, modding is a major factor for buying these games because it provides unlimited, free content that expontentionally increases the lifespan of these games. Much of the popularity for BGS titles, even on consoles, is because of the amazing mods that have been released over the years and many of which BGS incorporates into their future titles. Half of the new graphical improvements added to the Creation Engine for Fallout 4 are in direct respose to the Enhanced Natural Beauty mod and all the various graphical enhancements it made to Skyrim.

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Kill Bill
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:44 pm

Not sure if Bethesda will be policing mods, but the Nexus put up the Fallout 4 site.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:09 am

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:55 pm

A quick note - the EULA hasn't really changed that much over the years. I expect that the F4SE will continue to have the good working relationship with BGS that we have had in the past. We are prepping to start work on the script extender as soon as the game is release. We'll announce things on the forum as appropriate.

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Danger Mouse
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:02 am

Welp, thats good :D

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:00 am

I think they'll add a section know...someone actually gets around to making a mod...

No reason for panic.

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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:58 am

For starters it's entirely possible that Beth asked Dark to hold off on the site until closer to the official tool release to discourage the upload of half-assed attempts at modding the game.

It's also possible that given the new format of the site(allowing mods from any game) that Dark0ne is simply waiting for the number of FO4 related files to reach a certain number before giving it a dedicated front end.

Now, on the topic of how many customors modding brings to the table. It's arguable that it brings people in that don't actually ever use mods to both PC and Console. The presence of the modding community creates a sorta stigma that trancends the game content and gives Bethesda's games an awareness that reaches farther than the Bethesda community. Now that mods are coming to consoles this effect will be magnified tremendously.

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Enie van Bied
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:09 pm

Thank you.

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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:43 pm

So, Skyrim sold more than 53 million copies on PC. And PC sales are only 10% of BGS' total sales, so Skyrim sold more than 530 million copies in total. That's 1/16 of total Earth population! Damn impressive!

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