Names of developers who work on the project.
Extra lines of code that, cumulatively could be prohibitive.
Thankfully, yes. I used to be angry at my parents for naming me [censored]face, but it was worth it.
Mine was in there, and I was shocked since it's not a common name at all.
Very surprised that my name ("Fred") didn't make it - it seems a lot more popular than many that did...
So surprised, but no heartache - it didn't change my enjoyment of the game.
I have never seen Raphael spelled with an 'f' before.
Of course my name was going to be in there. I share it with one of the faces of the company. No, my name isn't Todd.
Yes, it′s in the game. Being named after an archangel whilst being an atheist finally paid off. But seeing as I play fems most of the time, it′s of no use.
My first charakter's name was in there. Katherine. Cassy on the other hand not, sadly. :S
Both my real name (well, English version of it) and my character's name are in the game. Though I might have chosen my character's name because it was likely to be on the list.
Links? Post? Like in chainlink fence? Dammit man, you're not making any sense!
But that HTML-element containing an interconnection that joins this page and that page you provided could be useful if I'm going to make another character.
I don't think Veronica, my first character was either. Apparently "lulz" from 13 year olds was more important than being slightly realistic.
It was, sort of. Two names, one of them was in the game. I didn't use it though.
My last name is on the list, however my first name isn't. Doesn't bother me one bit since I never play as myself anyway.
I have to admit that I am left wondering what the reasoning behind adding many of the names to the list of recognized names was, when there were loads of far more common names that weren't added, and some of the supposed comical ones, weren't very comical at all. They were just a waste of time and money that could've been better spent elsewhere.
It'll pick up having both a first name and last name as well.
Kanye West is Mr. West (And he's going on a kanye quest to be the kanye best, and he kicks in in his sweet kanye nest... but I digress)
It's a pretty solid list. I mean, who else actually says your name besides Codsworth?
I like having the crude humor dirty names for showing friends the game. I would never name my character after myself IRL. So not being on the list doesn't bother me.
Real first name is there, but not the two characters I've played so far (Cain + Raven). As for my real name, no surprise really, must be a "billion" people with that name (Michael)
I bet they had a great time recording the more anatomical first names though.
My own name, yes.
My character's name, no.
But as I travel a lot with Piper, my name has changed to Blue it seems
Somehow Cameron didn't make it in, surely that's not that rare of a name right?
Yes. Cogsworth will either say "Sir Justin" (without last name entered) or "Mr. Bailey" for me.