Why is it then, that dragons turned out to be the equivalent of cliff racers in Morrowind?
1. Nothing in skyrim is as annoying as cliff racers. NOTHING. Little bastard cawing over and over again, floating just high enough that they could hit you, but you couldn't hit them. Plus, when they were right overhead it was damn near impossible to hit them with spells. The Dragons don't have that annoying kacaw sound, they land so you can fight them, you get awesome powers from them, and they won't bother you if you just ride away on your horse or go into a building.
2. Funny story, before all this crap they made up about dragons needing specialized dragon slayers to kill them, there were actually dragons in Vvardenfell, but the cliff racers drove them into extinction by eating their food supply.
That said, the dragons are pretty easy most of the time. Especially in cities. The only real problem is making sure they don't kill my horse or any of the outdoor traders that I sell my loot too.