Unique weaponry from Fallout 3 DLCs (as in TOTALLY unique in appearance, stats and handling. Not a reskin at all):Katana
Mothership Zeta's alien weapons (save for the Captain's sidearm;
total probably 5-6?)
Auto Axe
Double-barrel shotgun
Gauss Rifle
Tesla Canon
Heavy Incinerator
Fertilizer Shovel
The Dismemberer
Unique Weaponry from Fallout: New Vegas DLCs:.45 auto pistol and variants
.45 auto SMG
Throwing axes
War clubs
Automatic Rifle
Bear Trap Fist
Proton Axe
Sonic Emitter
K9000 and FIDO
Red Glare
Satchel Charge
Flare Gun
Industrial Hand
Old Glory
Flashbang grenades
MFC Clusters
I think the count is improving with time, and I can't think of a game that offers more variety with NEW weaponry via DLCs.
Having said that, go read your post. You complain about how we need NEW weapons that aren't just reskinned, then list the Survivalist's Rifle as a prime example of a reskinned weapon, saying it's nothing but a service rifle that uses 12.7mm. Then, offering up an idea of your own, you suggest, and I quote...."a weapon like the marksmen carbine
that fires 12.7mm or even a 7.62 round thats equipped with a supressor, extended mags and a nightvision feature on the scope."
You also mention that for armor, we should get the Legate's armor in power armor form. Except....we already got the Legate's armor thanks to Lonesome Road. And
powered gold plated armor from a tribe that shuns technology and does it's best not to depend on it doesn't seem to make sense.
basically i feel robbed in the sense that i feel like a paid good money for slightly altered original main game weapons and armor when i was expecting something new and exciting to take with me back into the mojave. I.E. Assasin Outfit=MK 2 Stealth suit with leds on it. and the lack of stealth feature on the chinese stealth suit...
This was done intentionally. The connection you're supposed to make is that the Assassin Outfit was worn by Christine, who salvaged parts of the MK 2 Stealth Suit before continuing her pursuit of Elijah. That's why you find the Assassin's suit in the medical district, where you also find Christine.