Bethesda please do something with Marriage.

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:48 pm

:rofl: , Tell me, do you see heavy six in those games? Nope. why? It was crafted to be socially Acceptable

And yes I can honestly say games like those are not a common sight,

BTW I was refering to six in TES as being outlandish not games in general. Sorry about your misunderstanding about what I was aiming at. I'll be sure to make it absoloutley clear ;)

Of course you don't see it in most games, it's not because it is socially unacceptable, it is because most games want to keep a low age rating or just see no need for it, for example: why would it be in a CoD game? It's not heavy because the media would probably pick up on it if it was.
Also your argument about social acceptance makes no sense, half the stuff you do in video games is socially unacceptable (stealing, murder).
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:19 pm

My take on this, and many other elements of the game that some of us consider to be half-baked:

Bethesda did it on purpose for the sake of longevity. It has been no secret since Skyrim was announced that the game would have a construction kit coming for PC only. Every person who followed the game since its announcement knew that if they bought it for the 360 or the PS3, they would be forfieting the support to create or use mods. Morrowind and Oblivion's longevity was due to the modding community rooted in the PC player base. For console users, they got what they paid for: the game as it was originally designed.

I think it is safe to say that within three days of the Creation Kit being made available, there will be at lest five different takes on marriage feature enhancements with more to come in the days to follow. Bethesda created a base function knowing full well that the community would take it and run with it and come up with more ideas than they could.

And for those who want to cry "foul" because they are playing Skyrim on a console? Too bad. You made your choice knowing that Bethesda has prided themselves on making completely moddable games and that your version was not going to have access to that aspect. Live with it.

For those who want to cry "foul" becayse they are playing Skyrim on the PC and it falls short of your expectations, no matter what Bethesda could have done to make marriage or any other secondary feature "more complete" would be met with scorn from someone because it wouldn't be how they thing it ought to be. With the Creation Kit, you will have the means of making it exactly like you think it should be, and you can share it. Who knows, others may agree and you could find yourself as the author of a mod that becomes known community-wide...

What I am looking forward to in addition to mods that hook into and enhance secondary features are those who add new questlines to the game, preferably requiring that the main quest be completed. Or perhaps one which precedes it, beginning the moment that the player completes the intro...
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:44 am

it's not outlandish at all
it's just that personally I don't care for it
have plenty of high quality porm I could watch don't need some crappy digital stuffand i'm not arguing this specific case (since you weren't either you were defending the position mostly held by the media)

what is that supposed to mean?
are you implying six does not sell?
porm is the biggest industry on the internet
and besides I'm not even talking full frontal here
I mean the side boob humping you could see in pretty much every thriller or even romantic comedy out there
how's that an argument?
I don't go around killing bandits all day long IRL either, doesn't mean I wouldn't like to do it in a videogame

the fact of the matter is there's simply no way to logically defend the double standard the media holds when it comes to six in videogames

1. Money
3.Social acceptance

it really is the media mostly (american media at that) and perhaps conservative people like yourself, but as much as you wish it would be that is not an accurate reflection of today's society.
you my friend are definitely in the minority on this one
and i'm guessing american as well since us open minded Europeans just laugh at your knee jerk reaction to anything sixual in videogames
the fox news item about mass effect was literally a point of ridicule in the dutch media
again I'm not saying I would want six to be a major part of skyrim since that's not really what the game is about IMObut there really is no moral or logical way to defend the position that six in videogames is wrong considering the sixual laden content of other media (not just movies, music and art as well)

Oh, as I can see your very Liberal in thought and condone pormography, So there is no logical point in arguing with you as your views cannot be changed. You also insist on agreeing with me about six in TES, yet you still want to debate about six in videogames in general as you believe it is ok. Look, I like many people don't have to buy those games but the typical game developer's main goal is to make as many sales as possible. All their money they earn can't come from their die-hard fans and forum members, If that was the case what would be the point in broadcasting a 75,000 $ + commercial? Unless their game fits well with the other members of the community (I.E the majority) they won't make as much money.
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Allison C
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:20 pm

Funny how these threads move so fast, but they only seem to have the same 5 topics repeating infinitely...

Marriage is an immersion feature in Skyrim.
Immersion is something you guys said you wanted us to have, which I am very grateful for. But marriage is so pointless and irritating, I just don't see a need for it.

The women you can marry are so few. I don't understand why you couldn't add nearly every woman. Hroki, Idgrod the younger, etc. Why are they unavailable.
The essence of marriage is so dull. Go home, she says hi, ask her for food or for money. Done. There is nothing else to do with her. Couldn't marriage have a few more features to it?

You have created an AMAZING game. This is literally the best game I have ever played. But the marriage feature is so pointless, and I really hope you fix it and add on to it.

Actually, I would have to argue that giving us so many marriage candidates was probably the reason we have so few actually meaningful choices with them.

I'd rather the characters be made unique and individual characters, where marriage is a step along a character-specific quest line. Especially in cases where the marriage candidate is a potential follower, so that you fight alongside your spouse as partners in some quest that gives them individual character and the choice of who you marry some meaning. Hell, marriage could practically be the equivalent of choosing a faction to side with, with a quest chain where, instead of becoming a guild master, you settle out the most immediate and dangerous problems threatening your marriage. (With character-specific rewards for which spouse you hook up with.)

Part of that quest line might be something like meeting the parents. It would be more interesting to have this "you can marry, regardless of gender" thing actually have some impact in the story when you are a woman showing up at your girlfriend's house to ask her father for his daughter's hand in marriage. He might react to a man asking for his daughter with a contest of strength, but to a woman with a more detailed touchy-feely dialogue where he and his daughter have to come to grips with homosixuality and probably not getting grandkids. Or, you, know, maybe one marriage candidate has two mommies, and they are less pleased if their daughter brings home a man to marry than if she brought home another woman. (Of course, the moral guardian's heads would explode on that one...)

This "marry everybody" stuff is what Fable does, and why Fable's such a sad joke of an RPG. What's the point of having the option to marry anybody and everybody when I can't tell one person apart from the other? If it makes no difference if I marry a man or a woman, a tough-as-nails retired nord warrior or a pampered altmer seamstress who hates everyone?

Further, we are given the option to marry people of any gender without regards to our own gender, implying a completely open-minded society... which we see nowhere else in the game, really. I mean, we have an "Allure" skill that gives us a shop discount to opposite-gender shop-keepers. If that shop-keeper would be willing to gay marry my character, why can't I use my allure on him/her, as well?

In fact, it would be even better if portions of marriage were not dependent upon scripted quests, but on Radiant Story reaction to player actions. Players with Allure aren't automatically attractive to the other six, they just get the ability to start trying to use it (with the game recording it) on people. The more you use your allure on members of one gender or another, the more known you become for your flirtations with that gender. (So you could be gay/straight/bi or completely reserved so far as flirting went.) The more you use it, the more powerful it becomes on that gender, but then, your spouse would react to you flirting with all the other shop keepers (and that reaction could be different for each individual - some might be jealous, some self-assured, some maybe willing to do a little swinging).
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:24 pm

The only Damn feature I was looking for in marriage which it should absolutely let you do is equip two damn rings dang come on beth we got two hands...last game you could have two rings add back two rings in a patch or add it only for the married folk how else will the ladies know my werewolf khajit is spoken for a ring on the left hand...only benefit I c is lol i got a store in my house with junky stuff for sale...should of let me have a love triangle going something or at least a wife in every city you know they will never know polygamy in skyrim or at give us two rings left hand=marriage dang
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louise fortin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:20 am

I won't be buying another TES game because the fact is this game looks great and has lots of character depth but only for your character and only on the material side . Where are the interesting characters and story it's simply not here. If i had known this was Oblivion with a new graphics engine i would not have bought this game very dissapointed with the cookie cutter characters and there complete lack of depth. I will keep playing it maybe it gets better i certainly hope so . I can't wait for Mass Effect 3 so i can play a game with a great story and characters. This game has not lived up to expectations .
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:43 am

:rofl: , Tell me, do you see heavy six in those games? Nope. why? It was crafted to be socially Acceptable

Witcher 2 says hello and M rated games are not crafted to be socially Acceptable

And yes I can honestly say games like those are not a common sight,

Actually wrong again Most Fantasy RPG's have some six element and even some that arn't off the top of my head.

Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2

Dragon Age

Dragon Age 2


Witcher 2

Two Worlds Two

God of War 2

God of War 3

Heavy Rain

Fable 2

Fable 3

Any GTA game

The list goes on; six in Video has become the norm come out from under your rock

BTW I was refering to six in TES as being outlandish not games in general. Sorry about your misunderstanding about what I was aiming at. I'll be sure to make it absoloutley clear ;)

It's a Mid Evil Fantasy setting that's supposed to be a gritty real world that's why they showed a guys head being loped off in the first 5 mins. To say they're trying to make a gritty real world, but leave of the gritty sixual content is absurd.

To say that six is outlandish in a TES is the same as saying it's outlandish in Dragon Age, Witcher, Two Worlds 2 and Fable series which it's not.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:44 am

the very least i expected was some way, ANY way, of showing affection for your better half. im not even talking even talking about anything sixual; cant i just get some kind of mini-quest to pick something up at the general store for her? some way to partially justify the fact that i only ever see her to take her store's money and make her bake me a pie? i know they have to keep marriage from restricting your freedom like it does IRL, but as it stands marriage just makes me feel like i ruined a woman's life by making her my house slave :cryvaultboy: .

as others have said, if something is worth doing its worth doing right. then again, i have a feeling the marriage system is meant as a framework for modders to expand upon, as there are bound to be a lot of ideas of the "right" way to do it, not even considering the crowd that turned OB into hentai :spotted owl: .

of course that doesnt help me, because i have to wait YEARS to be able to afford my new PC and had to settle for the console version to tide me over until then :banghead: .
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:43 pm

I can't believe the people in this thread :)

Why don't you go ask any random gamer, that doesn't play Skyrim and tell him that in your game you can command your wife to cook food for you and then take the profit from the shop she is having, to see what they will say?

Marriage in Skyrim is only having your wife to cook food and rob her from her shop's profit.

You don't see anything wrong with this?!

Mai god the pr0n generation.... *facepalm*

And again, all you six carvers make your own "i want six with polygons" thread and bugger off. -___-
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marie breen
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:05 am

Of course you don't see it in most games, it's not because it is socially unacceptable, it is because most games want to keep a low age rating

We'll If thats not classified as social acceptance then I don't know what is........

for example: why would it be in a CoD game? It's not heavy because the media would probably pick up on it if it was.

Cod in no way relates to skyrim other than there are humans and killing is in them......

Also your argument about social acceptance makes no sense, half the stuff you do in video games is socially unacceptable (stealing, murder).

Look, people like to kill significant things without having to face the reprocussions. We are able to achieve this through videogames. Private six is acceptable and killing is not. People frown upon videogames and movies with six in them as they see it as a form of pormography.(Most people do pormography secretly as they know what they are doing is frowned upon by most of their peers)

Most A rated games don't do so well on the market as they are classified socially unacceptable. Thats why both of us rarely hear about them due to the amount of media flak they recieve.

Back on topic, Skyrim's creator Todd howard and most game developers know what sell's well. Killing is something alot of people are ok with IVG, and that sixual acts are typically not so popular unless the game is extremly well done. Skyrim wouldn't thrive as well as it did if they followed every request the community brought forward.
This killing is worse argument is true IRL but in videogames it has become so common non-violent games are now a rare sight.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:56 pm

1. Money
3.Social acceptance

Oh, as I can see your very Liberal in thought and condone pormography, So there is no logical point in arguing with you as your views cannot be changed. You also insist on agreeing with me about six in TES, yet you still want to debate about six in videogames in general as you believe it is ok. Look, I like many people don't have to buy those games but the typical game developer's main goal is to make as many sales as possible. All their money they earn can't come from their die-hard fans and forum members, If that was the case what would be the point in broadcasting a 75,000 $ + commercial? Unless their game fits well with the other members of the community (I.E the majority) they won't make as much money.

I don't believe it is

ofcourse I condone pormography
what sane human being wouldn't?
2 advlts having consensual six and a third party enjoying it as entertainment
where's the harm in that?
no1's forcing you to watch

my point was you can't say six in videogames isn't socially acceptable and logically defend that when any other media out there gets away with it just fine
movies music etc.
that's just hypocrisy

you have a right to your opinion ofcourse but don't go saying things that simply aren't true
six in media is socially acceptable, denying that is just downright ignorant
the fact that SOME media goes berserk over six in videogames doesn't make it any less hypocritical

anyway I feel this got a bit out of hand, we obviously have different opinions on the matter
let's agree to disagree

ow and for the record I don't want six in TES games, considering their animation record (though it has gotten a lot better) it would probably be [censored] anyway XD
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:40 am

Sounds better than real life marriage. Come home, she asks you for money and you end up eating a TV dinner which provides no bonuses to anything but gas and indigestion.

I'm sick of people [censored]ing about marriage like this.

If your "real life marriage" svcks, you have no one to blame but yourself.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:26 am

I am with you guys. The Marriage thing kind of blew it for my other character, and I restarted as the let down was kind of a bummer. Poor Aela the Huntress. You used to be so much fun, now you run a store and cook for me! Ugh.

I feel like I ruined her life! She changed!

I thought I read that your spouse can still travel with you after the marriage, is this not true?
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:59 am

I don't understand why you couldn't add nearly every woman

Because you're a caveman with a club and any woman you want you just beat on the head and take back to the cave? The woman has no say so if she is interested in you?

Skyrim is a better world because you can't marry anything with 2 legs and [censored]. Just because you're interested in someone doesn't mean theyw ill be interested back.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:52 am

Marriage concept in skyrim is crazy bad, the lame reason that you have to wear an amulet to introduce the option to the boring benefits and lack of any real interaction with your partner

I am neither for or against sixual relationships in games, but they should of thought it though...

its like a press release statement

Dragons - check
150 Dungeons - check
Marriage - check
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Ben sutton
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:42 pm

I really wish you could do something with it.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:24 am

Look, people like to kill significant things without having to face the reprocussions. We are able to achieve this through videogames. Private six is acceptable and killing is not. People frown upon videogames and movies with six in them as they see it as a form of pormography.(Most people do pormography secretly as they know what they are doing is frowned upon by most of their peers)

You got a weird definition of whats sociably acceptable if not hypocritical

Most A rated games don't do so well on the market as they are classified socially unacceptable. Thats why both of us rarely hear about them due to the amount of media flak they recieve.

No one's asking for an A rated game just Non Robot Companions and marriage partners.

Back on topic, Skyrim's creator Todd howard and most game developers know what sell's well. Killing is something alot of people are ok with IVG, and that sixual acts are typically not so popular unless the game is extremly well done. Skyrim wouldn't thrive as well as it did if they followed every request the community brought forward.
This killing is worse argument is true IRL but in videogames it has become so common non-violent games are now a rare sight.

CD Projekt, Bio-Ware and Lionhead Studios say hello. Also saying that sixual acts are typically not so popular unless the game is extremly well done is saying that Skyrim wasn't done well, and like I've already posted Mid Evil Fantasy RPGs usually have some six element in them, and to not have them is a rare sight. Would you like me to list them all again or are you cool with just going back a page, because I can list them all again to prove my point if you want.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:54 pm

I am with you guys. The Marriage thing kind of blew it for my other character, and I restarted as the let down was kind of a bummer. Poor Aela the Huntress. You used to be so much fun, now you run a store and cook for me! Ugh.

I feel like I ruined her life! She changed!

:rofl: how true!
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m Gardner
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:57 am

the very least i expected was some way, ANY way, of showing affection for your better half. im not even talking even talking about anything sixual; cant i just get some kind of mini-quest to pick something up at the general store for her? some way to partially justify the fact that i only ever see her to take her store's money and make her bake me a pie? i know they have to keep marriage from restricting your freedom like it does IRL, but as it stands marriage just makes me feel like i ruined a woman's life by making her my house slave :cryvaultboy: .

This sums up my feelings right there. I don't really want sixual content in the TES series, but I'd love if there was a less robotic marriage system. The woman is basically a house slave. I'm out adventuring and she is in the house running a If Aela the Huntress is my wife, can't she equal wife and companion and go out fighting with me. Why is Lydia the only person you can sorta change clothes on? I should be able to marry an adventuring woman, Aela as an example, and give her better armor and better bows. She should be able to adventure with me, especially since it would fit her role. Then conversations can be added through the quest you have done with them:

Remember when we went into Fort [insert name here] and took care of the bandits?

They were weak and pathetic. No match for me.

You're overly confident

I have to be, smirk.

That would make the marriage system so much more interesting. I had the impression my wife was to become a companion or someone to go adventuring with me. Not some house wife.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:11 am

I called this so many times pre-release. People heard that there was going to be a marriage feature and right away everyone is speculating about relationship dynamics, having children, emotional ties... and every time I said it's going to be just a very basic, rudimentary game system that isn't very deep or involved. Marriage in-game is exactly what I figured it would be - just a superficial "feature" added as an afterthought.

Makes me feel better about myself for having been right about something. :)

My sentiments exactly. :P
Marriage in Skyrim is just like I predicted it would be.

I'm actually ok with it.... except, they should have added a few more phrases that your character's husband/wife tells you. Just something to give more immersion. I just wanted more dialogue lines, just like I wish there were more immersive dialogue lines in every other aspect of the game.
But I can't fully blame Bethesda: if people here even ask for the ability to marry any character in the game (???), it was predictable that they'd adopt a shallow Fable-like system.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:15 am

Witcher 2 says hello and M rated games are not crafted to be socially Acceptable

Actually wrong again Most Fantasy RPG's have some six element and even some that arn't off the top of my head.

Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2

Dragon Age

Dragon Age 2


Witcher 2

Two Worlds Two

God of War 2

God of War 3

Heavy Rain

Fable 2

Fable 3

Any GTA game

The list goes on; six in Video has become the norm come out from under your rock

It's a Mid Evil Fantasy setting that's supposed to be a gritty real world that's why they showed a guys head being loped off in the first 5 mins. To say they're trying to make a gritty real world, but leave of the gritty sixual content is absurd.

To say that six is outlandish in a TES is the same as saying it's outlandish in Dragon Age, Witcher, Two Worlds 2 and Fable series which it's not.

In all of those games there was no viewed direct six lol, (hello and goodbye witcher 2/ (That game had no heavy six at all lol A fade out of two people clotheless and kissing is no what i'm talking about)) BTW most of those games did not make amazing sales excluding god of war, GTA, and maybe fable. Perhaps it is you who resides under a rock beacuse you are obviously unaware that game's include sixual themes in a acceptable way. all of those games Insert six in somewhat of socially acceptable way, they both directly and indirectly hint at six.

sry excludeing witcher
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gemma king
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:28 am

Honestly all marriage partners are pretty much all the same, with the same dialog or should I say lack of it, and it's all recycled. Much like your brain dead companions I'd rather have a choice between 5 intrusting companions with dialog and opinions on my decisions I've made than 20 brain dead pack mules.

In this case I'd stress they should of went with quality instead of quantity, Bio-Ware has this formula down to a pat Robot NPC followers are no fun.

FYI I think the whole "Amulet of Mar" thing was stupid. It's almost like they put it in and decided to do it so badly, that no one would ask for it again. Kinda like what you did to your mother when she asked you to wash the dishes when you were 12.

When mom told us to do the dishes when I was 12, if I did them wrong, I was not allowed to leave that kitchen till they were done right.

Never did a half ass job again, I'll tell you. 3 hours of rewashing the same dishes? Yeah...
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:23 am

Im just annoyed I can't marry who I want to...but I guess that like "Real Life" as well...
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:50 am

A couple of posts have gone away. Please don't flame others.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:07 pm

I really have to agree with the OP. And I don't see why everyone's making this about six - it's about the marriages being dull and bland, and not really adding anything to the game.

If you're going to go through the trouble of adding a new feature to the game, and leaking about it, making an achievement for it, etc., at least put a little effort into it.

And am I the only one seriously depressed by the selection of husbands? Ugh. :/ I know it's the land of the Nords, but do almost all the choice have to be he-manly bear types, or bearded wonders?

Here's hoping that in the inevitable expansions/updates, they'll add a bit more depth, and a bit more selection. (Or really, either way going with it would be good - fewer candidates, but a lot more depth to the relationship at least in SOME of them, or at least a little more depth, and more/better choices.)
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