Funny how these threads move so fast, but they only seem to have the same 5 topics repeating infinitely...
Marriage is an immersion feature in Skyrim.
Immersion is something you guys said you wanted us to have, which I am very grateful for. But marriage is so pointless and irritating, I just don't see a need for it.
The women you can marry are so few. I don't understand why you couldn't add nearly every woman. Hroki, Idgrod the younger, etc. Why are they unavailable.
The essence of marriage is so dull. Go home, she says hi, ask her for food or for money. Done. There is nothing else to do with her. Couldn't marriage have a few more features to it?
You have created an AMAZING game. This is literally the best game I have ever played. But the marriage feature is so pointless, and I really hope you fix it and add on to it.
Actually, I would have to argue that giving us so many marriage candidates was probably the reason we have so few actually meaningful choices with them.
I'd rather the characters be made unique and individual characters, where marriage is a step along a character-specific quest line. Especially in cases where the marriage candidate is a potential follower, so that you fight alongside your spouse as partners in some quest that gives them individual character and the choice of who you marry some meaning. Hell, marriage could practically be the equivalent of choosing a faction to side with, with a quest chain where, instead of becoming a guild master, you settle out the most immediate and dangerous problems threatening your marriage. (With character-specific rewards for which spouse you hook up with.)
Part of that quest line might be something like meeting the parents. It would be more interesting to have this "you can marry, regardless of gender" thing actually have some impact in the story when you are a woman showing up at your girlfriend's house to ask her father for his daughter's hand in marriage. He might react to a man asking for his daughter with a contest of strength, but to a woman with a more detailed touchy-feely dialogue where he and his daughter have to come to grips with homosixuality and probably not getting grandkids. Or, you, know, maybe one marriage candidate has two mommies, and they are less pleased if their daughter brings home a man to marry than if she brought home another woman. (Of course, the moral guardian's heads would explode on that one...)
This "marry everybody" stuff is what Fable does, and why Fable's such a sad joke of an RPG. What's the point of having the option to marry anybody and everybody when I can't tell one person apart from the other? If it makes no difference if I marry a man or a woman, a tough-as-nails retired nord warrior or a pampered altmer seamstress who hates everyone?
Further, we are given the option to marry people of any gender without regards to our own gender, implying a completely open-minded society... which we see nowhere else in the game, really. I mean, we have an "Allure" skill that gives us a shop discount to opposite-gender shop-keepers. If that shop-keeper would be willing to gay marry my character, why can't I use my allure on him/her, as well?
In fact, it would be even better if portions of marriage were not dependent upon scripted quests, but on Radiant Story reaction to player actions. Players with Allure aren't automatically attractive to the other six, they just get the ability to start trying to use it (with the game recording it) on people. The more you use your allure on members of one gender or another, the more known you become for your flirtations with that gender. (So you could be gay/straight/bi or completely reserved so far as flirting went.) The more you use it, the more powerful it becomes on that gender, but then, your spouse would react to you flirting with all the other shop keepers (and that reaction could be different for each individual - some might be jealous, some self-assured, some maybe willing to do a little swinging).