Bethesda please do something with Marriage.

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:22 am

Marriage is an immersion feature in Skyrim.
Immersion is something you guys said you wanted us to have, which I am very grateful for. But marriage is so pointless and irritating, I just don't see a need for it.

The women you can marry are so few. I don't understand why you couldn't add nearly every woman. Hroki, Idgrod the younger, etc. Why are they unavailable.
The essence of marriage is so dull. Go home, she says hi, ask her for food or for money. Done. There is nothing else to do with her. Couldn't marriage have a few more features to it?

You have created an AMAZING game. This is literally the best game I have ever played. But the marriage feature is so pointless, and I really hope you fix it and add on to it.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:20 pm

Marriage is an immersion feature in Skyrim.
Immersion is something you guys said you wanted us to have, which I am very grateful for. But marriage is so pointless and irritating, I just don't see a need for it.

The women you can marry are so few. I don't understand why you couldn't add nearly every woman. Hroki, Idgrod the younger, etc. Why are they unavailable.
The essence of marriage is so dull. Go home, she says hi, ask her for food or for money. Done. There is nothing else to do with her. Couldn't marriage have a few more features to it?

You have created an AMAZING game. This is literally the best game I have ever played. But the marriage feature is so pointless, and I really hope you fix it and add on to it.

Sounds better than real life marriage. Come home, she asks you for money and you end up eating a TV dinner which provides no bonuses to anything but gas and indigestion.
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steve brewin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:34 pm

Sounds better than real life marriage. Come home, she asks you for money and you end up eating a TV dinner which provides no bonuses to anything but gas and indigestion.

I LOL'd on this one!
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Setal Vara
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:54 am

It would be nice if I could just throw my loot on the floor and she would pick it up ...then ask if I want a sandwich.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:12 am

Marriage is an immersion feature in Skyrim.
Immersion is something you guys said you wanted us to have, which I am very grateful for. But marriage is so pointless and irritating, I just don't see a need for it.

The women you can marry are so few. I don't understand why you couldn't add nearly every woman. Hroki, Idgrod the younger, etc. Why are they unavailable.
The essence of marriage is so dull. Go home, she says hi, ask her for food or for money. Done. There is nothing else to do with her. Couldn't marriage have a few more features to it?

You have created an AMAZING game. This is literally the best game I have ever played. But the marriage feature is so pointless, and I really hope you fix it and add on to it.

This is basicly how marriage is in real life. But after a while they tend to stop feeding you, they cut you off both Money wise and sixualy. It's not fun, its not immersive. If anything, it's worse than the Rockjoint disease. Completly steals your manhood.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:27 am

You can't give her jewelry, a kiss, or money to go to the market. You pretty much get an robot that lives with you. Ignorant.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:45 am

It would be nice to have better marriage features, but to be honest I don't think anybody bought Skyrim for that.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:40 am

It would be nice to have better marriage features, but to be honest I don't think anybody bought Skyrim for that.

Nobody buys Skyrim for one thing. It's a multitude of things that all go together for an overall experience.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:05 pm

Agreed, the whole system is so awkward. Robotic and stiff.. More interactions/options are needed! >_<
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:35 am

It would be nice to have better marriage features, but to be honest I don't think anybody bought Skyrim for that.

This. It's Skyrim, not the Sims. If you want more romantic features in a game, you're playing the wrong one.
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:36 am

This. It's Skyrim, not the Sims. If you want more romantic features in a game, you're playing the wrong one.

The Sims is like playing with barbie dolls. In Elder Scrolls, you are your own character. Marriage is universal and doesn't belong to only one game genre.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:14 pm

either way, if they do add new options in conversation, people will still say it feels robotic because once those conversation lines are exhausted... well... it will be the same old same old. You also cannot expect bethesda to give each and every possible spouse special quest lines like they kind of did in Dragon Age Origins. From other threads, there are over 30 marriageable spouses, one of which Argonian, but none Bosmer or Khajiit.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:23 am

You can't give her jewelry, a kiss, or money to go to the market. You pretty much get an robot that lives with you. Ignorant.
You win.

I have zero interest in marriage or any romance in Skyrim but if people want more options, I see no reason to deny them or shoot them down for it. It's about immersion and enjoyment and I like the thought of everyone being happy with Skyrim. Hopefully one day that'll happen.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:49 am

I am with you guys. The Marriage thing kind of blew it for my other character, and I restarted as the let down was kind of a bummer. Poor Aela the Huntress. You used to be so much fun, now you run a store and cook for me! Ugh.

I feel like I ruined her life! She changed!
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:23 am

Can you same six marry?
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:29 pm

I was curious about this marriage option and went ahead and got married.

I can't believe that the only thing you guys were able to come up with is "Go make me a sammich" interaction...I mean really?!
And then there's the "I'm the new shop in your house" thing ?! O_O\

You spent the time to implement these but not even a moment to implement a "Give your wife a bloody flower" option?!
Is it possible that the people who worked on the marriage system are cave trolls in a dark lonely basemant with women posters on the walls and have never seen one in real life?!

I'm not playing Skyrim for the marriage system but it's disappointing to see something so badly made in this masterpiece of a game. =)
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:48 am

This is one of those few topics where I have to defend Beth for keeping it minimal. They had no idea if this feature was going to be hugely controversial, so they did a good job treading on the ice. They made it available, relatively simple, and pretty straightforward.

I fully imagine some mods coming out which expand the idea greatly, then in TES VI we will see the feature expanded to be more similar to the mods. Sometimes Beth takes baby steps, and I can't fault them for that.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:47 am

This is one of those few topics where I have to defend Beth for keeping it minimal. They had no idea if this feature was going to be hugely controversial, so they did a good job treading on the ice. They made it available, relatively simple, and pretty straightforward.

I fully imagine some mods coming out which expand the idea greatly, then in TES VI we will see the feature expanded to be more similar to the mods. Sometimes Beth takes baby steps, and I can't fault them for that.

I agree with this. Marriage is something new in the TES world (for the players), so I can't blame Beth for not going all out and giving you dozens of options of what to do. I'm sure they'll check out a few of the in-depth mods that are sure to come out, and in TES VI we can possibly see more interaction with the marriage option.

If it's a feature you don't like though, just don't use it. There's plenty of other stuff in the world to distract you away from a minor flaw in the game. ^_^
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:26 am

I guess marrige could have been better, but then I agree to the fact that most people play TES for a different experience than marrige. I mean has anyone heard of the saying that marrige can be like a prison? Well I guess what I'm trying to say is that Bethesda made marrige so that players can still have their freedom and feel like they are married. I mean, spouses can sometimes ask for alot of things or alot of attention, and you want to be fighting dragons rather than pampering your wife all day right?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:56 am

I don't think I ever will us it, because currently I have a dead body in my home that I can't get rid of. Wouldn't want to scare the wife away on our wedding night.

Would have been neat if you could partake in intercourse and have children (similar to Fable).
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:18 pm

Bethesda should do a marriage DLC :)
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:06 pm

...No they shouldn't.

DLC for marriage would amount to little more than the addition of a Pointless Bickering engine.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:33 am

Can you same six marry?

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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:42 pm

My point is that it would have been Much better without those options.

I would understand if your wife just stood in the house doing nothing, but it's frustrating to see that there was some work done on interaction and the only thing they came up with is not "Give a flower" but instead "Go to the kitchen and make me some food"?!
To be honest i find this Offensive in many ways.

And the shop thing!? I just don't understand what kind of reasoning is behind that one?!

And don't understand why you guys would defend something like that?

No one is playing Skyrim for a polygon wife, but seeing this feature so badly done is disappointing.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:58 pm

Lots of silly jokes concerning the marriage going on, but I think that the OP has the right of it. Main plots NPCs can have a decent amount of character demonstrated, and many of the side-quest NPCs do as well. I don't think it would be crazy to have a set of dialog options available for each person you can marry, especially when the number of people is so relatively low. Heck, you could have quests and discussion available which adjust things in the house. (S)he can't make this meal or that unless you get the recipe, or they have their own career and there is a simple business management sub-game that goes along with helping them with it. It could even work with the eventual economy system, where a foul and evil character could improve their spouse's business by sabotaging competition.

I do appreciate that it adds work, but I feel that something as (in the real world) serious as marriage should feel like more than a house robot from Fallout, and should certainly have a lot more interaction options.

I know that mods will take care of this, but that's not an answer for our console companions. It's also a bad thing for people to get into their mind to expect in my opinion. Bethesda is a great company and I want to suggest ways that they can improve their game, not send them a message that says "you guys made a decent framework, thanks! We'll take it from here and make it fun." I would rather look at mods as something to augment the great game that's been provided than a way to fix a broken game that doesn't meet our needs.
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