I was impressed with the richly developed sociopolitical topics Bethesda at least attempted in Skyrim's Civil War questline, but based off only the initial reaction on the forums, Bethesda seems to have stumbled ass backwards into a truly outstanding civil rights discussion with the synthetics. Most AAA developers seem to avoid political/philosophical issues like the plague, or at least water them down so much that any controversy is sterilized. Without playing the game it's impossible to tell if Bethesda truly develops and explores the theme with subtlety and finesse, but they've already prompted many serious questions and discussions on the idea of synthetic intelligence on this forum, and for that, they deserve some recognition.
It isn't impossible to imagine that synthetic rights could be a revolutionary civil rights struggle in the coming centuries, and the responses here have given some insight into how that might look. At first I thought that the allusion to the Underground Railroad was a little questionable, but now I think it might actually be too on the nose, given the fascinating parallels between the discussions on this board and the real life struggle African-Americans' engaged in for their own rights. Hands down the most interesting development has been the development of the slur 'toaster'. I don't know if this is a pop-culture reference that I've missed or the legitimate birth of a new epithet, but the way the group rejecting synthetic rights has embraced it is really interesting.
I'm interested to hear how you all feel about Bethesda's handling of the issue, at least as far as we can tell so far.