I think the deafening silence does more harm than good tbh. I'm sure they have their reasons but from some perspectives you would not blame someone for thinking they couldn't care less. They seem almost aloof.
To be more active within the community would do wonders for PR.
We have never heard much from them but they do read.
I think it would be incredibly hard for them to routinely interact with the community here. They'd need to hire people specifically for that job with the amount of tech help requests that come through here. Obviously they administrate and moderate the forums, but in my (admittedly short) time here I've seen them play a very minimal role in the community itself.
One of my other biggest hobbies is Hi-Fi stereo equipment. I'm a big fan of Polk Audio equipment, and very active on those forums (which has a much smaller community than here). They do have tech assistance people whose job almost completely consists of monitoring the forums and answering tech questions there. It's a very full time job, and it's definitely not one that I'd want lol
I've been playing Bethesda games for around 15 years now, and I've luckily never once needed to call customer service or anything like that. To be fair though, I've never really heard much in the way of praise for Bethesda's customer service. It's never been that it lacks quality. It's mostly that it's just never there.
Devs lurk. Fact.
Pretty much every game studio that encourages devs to interact regrets it in the end because 'it's the internet...
Aside of 'ok thanks' there is little that could be commented anyway
and any opinions will be assumed to be Bethesda policy or a confirmation of something.
Bethesda just know they are in a special place where they will continue to release a new title every few years and
1. Through media will get a massive new customer base in the form or youngsters who haven't played their games before - CHA-CHING
2. Also idiots like myself who played their games from the very start (Arena 1994) and stupidly put faith still in the hope that "Maybe this time they did actually get it right" and are disappointed......yet again!! CHA-CHING
(Ps I am not making that POV up I have a message the other day from a fellow member on here who told me they were not surprised as to how average this game is and they will not touch bethesda produce again)
Now I am playing this game and it is Average at best for a follow up to FO3 considering there has been 7 years..... Yes seriously 7 years and this is what they have managed to give us at an Exorbitant amount of our hard earned money.
So you ask why am I playing it? Because like many many many many (many being repeated thousands of times over) I have paid for it and it is PLAYABLE. It is not great or amazing..... Just Playable
And so the company lives on, and all the while the devs are just looking to produce another moneymaker with no regard to what they have just given their customers.... ALL OF US
Patches PFFFT are you having a Tin Bath. They will stop scratching their a-holes for a moment to fix the few little things and call it a patch and the world will get all excited. So you can post all of your dislikes and complaints till the cows come home, but nothing hardly will happen because BETHESDA HAVE ALREADY RELEASED IT AND TOPPED UP THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS.
They NEVER fix things like ash\goo piles, and even BRING BACK problems that were fixed.
All they are truly bothered about right now is creating DLC (extra sheet) and charging us all more Exorbitant money for.
I am playing this game because it is playable and I have paid for it..... It is playable and there are other games that aren't right on release but far better though. But ask yourselves this
Would you buy a car with a history of problems that had not been sorted, or had things that do not function correctly that the manufacturers do not sort out??
Everything is going just fine. The complaints, the buthurt, is exactly the same as it is, every time one comes out.
Don't worry I will
One day you will realise you threw tons more money at a company that doesn't give damn and you might remember this moment
Yeah, they don't care and that's why they provide a tool to make mods that keep the game going much longer than the usual tripe companies put out.
Yeah, that's called "Tuesday".
Businesses (well, good businesses) are in the business of making money. Do you know what's proven to make consistently good money in gaming? Large, open-world rpgs that are fun to play (good mechanics) and reasonably simple to get into (not overly-complex stories or premises).
Know what doesn't make money? Shooting the breeze with fans or critics. Every time someone tries to do this, they get "caught" in saying something they shouldn't, get horrendously abused, and end up driving potential customers away. It doesn't help that sites like Kotaku gleefully and intentionally misinterpret developer interviews for the sake of their own click-bait.
Compare Fable to The Elder Scrolls for all the evidence of this you need.
When it comes to feedback, I think they face a risk/reward ratio that justifies being hesitant to commit to responding.
When it comes to Quality Assurance, I believe every company that thinks QA functions effectively with only one-way communication is doing themselves and their customers a disservice.
Not that different, but one topic is about settlement happyness and wrong status in Pip-boy. Here are some lines from patch notes:
*Fixed a bug that would cause settler counts to appear incorrectly
*Fixed an issue with settlement happiness calculations
None of these have been fixed. You still need spamming shops all over the place and pip-boy do show wrong status, settlers and beds as example. I want to use fastravel in/out of settlements without any problems. You cannot. Do they (devs and QA) ever play their own game. They will see for their own eyes, no need to listen to us all the time.
Disagree, look at other games etc...Games that have communities where forum mods are active etc...Forum users never just shut up and bug them on and on for information etc. And when they don't get info users bash them and cry and moan. BGS has always been like this and it's perfectly fine. They give info when they need to and not before.
That is a difficult balance though. Because they do want to make the game they want to make, but they wouldn't be where they are without us. So how do you walk that line?
Wwe saw how the Silent Treatment worked for TSO.
E p i c F a i l
I don't care about whether some individuals 'give a damn' or not.
I do care about having had 500 enjoyable hours in this world... (and still enjoying) ...I'd call that a win.
While that was once true the day is fast approaching when mods will come with a price tag courtesy of Bethesda. So I don't think the argument that they care more about fans than the size of their wallets is as effective as it once once as the GECK becomes a cash cow for them.