Agree. Currently am collecting outfits and uniforms so that I can tell them apart.
Yes. The person you set up to do merchant routes gets a unique name so it only makes sense if Guard, Farmer, Scavenger, Etc. can be used also. I don't know how many times I've accidentally pulled someone off of one job only to put them back on the same job without knowing it.
I'm also collecting hats and outfits for job recognition. But just naming them would be so much better.
Make it happen!
As a temporary workaround, I rename their weapon ... Like "Farmer's 10mm pistol" or "Guard .45 Subs" ...
Add buildable item "assignment board" available at leader perk level 1. At higher levels, allow assignment from buildable terminal or pip boy.
Would be realistic, and would make use of leader perk.
Alternatively add "overseer" (heh heh ) as an assignable job for settlers. Can be linked to a buildable object, like "overseer chair" or table. Once assigned, other settlers can be managed through dialog with overseerer.
Actually, I want to name them, period. Let me pick my own title for what job they have and assign them an actual name if I want.