I have played TES III Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. I don't know about anybody else but i think that at the very least ONE of these should be turned into a film. Not just a Youtube flick or series, i am talking about a full out FILM. If they could make a Skyrim film with just the main quest as the story with a male Nord ( sry, not trying to be sixist or racist ) as the main character it could be soooo awesome. I don't know too many TES fans who wouldn't go and see that or buy the DVD or whatever. If the film was made like Peter Jackson made Lord of The Rings it could be an INCREDIBLE film that could potentially turn into a series of films. Im sure that Bethesda already has thought about this but i wanted to throw this out there and see how many people would like to see a Skyrim film. I have no affiliation with Bethesda, i am just a gamer/fan of The Elder Scrolls and would like to see a film come out in the next few years. If at all possible i would like to hear from somebody from Bethesda just to hear what they think. Once again i have no power to make the film and i am not saying Bethesda is coming out with one, i am just a fan of a great series that i would love to see become a film series. Thank you for looking at my post and i hope to see some comments soon, good or bad.