They are not doing any more content for Skyrim, they are busy making their next game. Something major breaks in Skyrim they might do a patch to fix it, do not hold your breath waiting for it though.
New stuff is more profitable than old stuff.
I wouldn't count on anything else changed or added to Skyrim. Why? Because personally I believe they just can't be bothered to anymore. They probably realized after they discovered all the problems with the PS3 that it would take too much time and effort, so..perhaps laziness got the better of them to some extent. Then there's all the things they said about their huge dlc's and "not being done with Skyrim." I don't really trust anything they say at this point unless there's hard, visible evidence behind it. All we can hope for is that they make the next TES (if there is a next) better than they made Skyrim. For starters, maybe hiring some, oh I don't know...better writers.
I think the writers are fine - they just need to work together more so we don't get "Join the guild - we're only a shadow of our former self, but you can make us better" story repeated so MANY times; and more lines of dialogue need to be written (In the game there are places where they clearly had more in mind, but they just didn't work on those). And as a game mechanic, I guess they need to work on making the game such that it actually is a dynamic world (rather than a world that waits for the player)
That they are done with Skyrim doesn't mean they abandoned it. It means that the game is finished. It had to end sometime. What? You wanted them to work on the same game for 10 years? Specially with next-gen being here? They have to move on to make new things for next-gen. How are they going to accomplish that if they are stuck working on the same game? How are they going to make TES6 for 2018 if they don't move on from Skyrim? In the mean time, you can always get busy with ESO.
Well, that's about 75% of what I meant by better writers. I'm a writer myself, so I know when someone just starts stretching for ideas to try and keep a story going, or when an ending or beginning of said story was rushed or just plain not well thought out. There's a couple quests that have this as a problem, but I couldn't tell you off the top of my head. It's been a long time since I played this game, let alone any game at all really.
I'm actually pretty okay with them being done with Skyrim. It has been almost two years, and it was a pretty well done game. There will always be more that could have been done but as a whole it was awesome. Frankly, I'm just waiting for TES VI. FO4 would be awesome too, but my heart belongs to Tamriel.
Yeah? What if there were some piece of content or area within the game that was already finished that simply freezes consoles up? Just because console users cannot have it, no one can?
Yeah, plus PC players have mods.
I'm not a fan of Fallout, so Fallout 4 has no meaning to me whatsoever. And the new TESO coming out seems too... for me.
No need for that brand of sarcasm, the guy is just trying to voice his opinions.
I'll probably give it a go, just to see how it comes out. I'm a little apprehensive about it being on both consoles though. Not that I think console gamers don't deserve to play the MMO, but it seriously limits the potential for us pc players. Don't get me wrong, I game console too, but my PC is almost a year and a half old and it still going to be on par with next gen consoles, and I went the cheap route.
Like I said, I'll give it a shot because I think all game devs deserve at least that much, but I'm not expecting a masterpiece.
Eh, bad experiences with Defiance on my Xbox 360 have pretty much turned me off to the idea of a console MMO. Far too many bugs and patches that break 100 things for every one thing that is supposedly fixed.
Patch after patch seems to fix some things while messing other things up somewhat. It's no wonder they're moving on.
That's a good point. I haven't actually tried any console MMOs. If that's the case, I sincerely hope they at least have separate servers for PC and console.
Defiance does have separate servers, and it still has a plethora of problems.
I'm just not too eager to try it.
Also, they didn't say they will continue with minor patches.
I believe the quote was they "will continue to patch as needed"
Meaning, if they don't think it's needed, it won't be patched.
Exactly, so we can't really count on anything. Even if it is done, it'll most likely be very minute and not important.
Yes and they also hinted that Dragonborn wasnt the last DLC. your point?
No, Bethesda stated no such thing. What they actually said was, "We will do minor updates as needed."
Edit: Whoops, completely missed Nell2Thalzzay's post.
They historically announce games at the VGAs in December. So until then...
Bethesda's annoucements are usually ambiguous or outright misleading, people need to pay attention to details.