They also announced they were going to do Fallout sized dlcs...
Realistic economy.
Edit: I wouldn't count on any updates from them unless something is seriously broken in the Legendary Edition. Considering the state of the forum isn't filled with rage threads about the Legendary Edition, I don't think that's the case.
Probably minor additions to the same degree as horse combat and extra killcams.....They better show Fallout 4 in the next few days at E3 or I'm going to burn a chicken for Nazeem.
I think it's because of their difficulties with the PS3. I think they basically ate up their whole DLC budget trying to get the damn things released for the PS3, and realized they didn't have money left to work on more stuff after they got the last one out. That, plus the time they had involved in DLCs (about a year and a half,) corporate probably decided to pull the plug on Skyrim content and shift full production into FO4.
It's a shame.... PC isn't regarded to be a popular platform (and based on available sales figures, only 14% of sales were on PC) while the xbox 360s limited disc size almost invariably meant we got less content overall. Plus the intended features which weren't included because of budget and time constraints across all platforms...
This is like the telephone game.
No they did not they said the exact opposite.
I recall the interview. unless I deceive myself, I'm pretty sure Todd Howard said the DLC's would be bigger than that of Oblivion's and Fallouts, but there would be less of them. Of course that was before the game was even released, they could have had a change of mind, or circumstances that prevented it. I doubt they set those words in Stone and at all costs tried to stay true to them
but I would at the very least expect them to stay true to their closing statement of Skyrim.
I forgot what they said exactly. did they say there Was going to be some minor updates? or MAYBE going to be some minor updates?
I can't find Steam statistics, so I am using the figures from July 2012. They have also sold an estimated 20 million copies.
Ordun has the right of it. I remember that interview too.
Again, citation?
"During the first day of release, Steam showed over 230,000 people playing Skyrim concurrently.[118] In the first week of release, Bethesda stated that 7 million copies of the game had been shipped to retailers worldwide, and that total sales through the following Wednesday were expected to generate an estimated US$450 million.[2][119] By December 16, 2011, this had risen to 10 million copies shipped to retail and around US$620 million.[120] Additionally, Valve stated that it was the fastest selling game to date on their Steam platform.[120] Steam's game statistics page showed the game breaking a five million user record by having 5,012,468 users logged in as recently as January 2, 2012. During this time, Skyrim was the most-played game on Steam by a huge margin, with double the number of players as Team Fortress 2, the second-placed game.[121] As of July 2012, an estimated 10 million copies have been sold.[122] In the United Kingdom, Skyrim was the 9th best selling title of 2012.[123]"
Yes, Todd said "less than Fallout, but meatier".
That's basically what we got. If anybody has played Fallout 3 DLC's.. none of them touch Dragonborn and Dawnguard in terms of content.
I'm pretty sure Todd said Bigger than Oblivions too.
Some would say that Shivering Isles was bigger than Dragonborn, or just about equal. and I would have to agree with that in terms of Landmass and Content, but Pete Hines excused this by saying they meant "Bigger" as in the DLC would take up more memory. certainly a bit deceiving since Memory isn't the first thing that comes to mind when someone calls something Bigger.
He said bigger than Oblivion's but not as big as Shivering Isles. Which is true, since aside from SI Oblivion got very small DLC.
They do.
It's called the Construction Kit and mods.
Anyways, no, I don't believe in console specific content. Players who buy the game on PC shouldn't get additional features that console gamers don't, just because they are on PC.
I fully support things like the Construction Kit, or High Texture mods. But exclusive content? No thanks. PC gamers don't deserve a completely different game made just for them.
In this source you will see that Bethesda say that Skyrim sold over 20 million copies.
In this source you will see that the Wikipedia article is incorrect. That statistic refers to the Steam Clients concurrent users, not players of Skyrim. This is also supported by Steams "Steam Statistics and Game Statistics"