He was a superior version of the insipid Richardson. I've excoriated Bethesda for it's writing in just about every aspect of Fallout 3, but I do think the Enclave is more than the mustache-twirling villain they were rendered as in FO2, as I've argued before there is sense of moral ambiguity in Fallout 3.Richardson in Fallout 2 just spews rancor towards people of any level of mutation, saying how they are basically sub-human and that true humans should reclaim their place on the mainland.Then he postulates that the Enclave will achieve this via the curling F.E.V, which only targets mutated humanoids. Eden conversely states that his modification of the F.E.V targets all mutants from wastelanders to abominations, Eden even sympathizes with the LW over the death of people he may know.But as Eden argues this is required to restore america to what it once was and it's the only way people to live truly free of radiation and it's concomitant abominations, humans are merely the collateral.
In essence Richardson is superintending pogrom against anything other than pure human (ignoring abominations), while Eden is trying to hit the reset button for the greater good, extirpating all forms of mutant including pernicious abominations like super mutants and deathclaws etc (his argument is essentially a utilitarian one).
Edit: I think the fallout wiki (whatever it's called these days) says that Eden was initially going to Richardson's consciousness uploaded onto a computer.