I'll say this, I always felt you support PC mor then us Consoles, there is nothing you can say that will change my mind. Those Glitches DONT BREAK THE GAME, and there were other stuff you should have fixed, and you didn't. I love Fallout 4, I love crafting unique and personal settlements, settlements wasmy favorite part, "WAS" my favorite part. Now I can't stand it, I liked having those glitches, it allowed me to craft stuff I usually couldn't. Now I have to spend the monolith of the game finding and hauling crap back to my settlement, just so I can craft 2 Turrets! Those were our way to allow us a small feel of what PC players do, felt nice to have something like a PC. Now? It's boring. I used to love building settlements, now it's utterly boring, and stressful.
So I'll ask every one of you to watch this video BEFORE responding, and then you can talk. I agree with every word he says, don't argue me down, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pNtNeJz_rhQ
So Bethesda, I want, you know what? I want the REAL reason they removed them, it's a Single Player game, I can understand it if it was a Co-Op, Multiplayer, or a MMO, but it's not. I have the right to play as I want and not even Bethesda can tell me how I can play.
I want the real reason, and not from Bethesda Staff, or some random Scapegoat, I want it from the man himself! TODD VAUGHN, I want you personally to give me a good reason why you removed it, and "it breaks the game/your not supposed to play that way" isn't going to cut it. So TODD VAUGHN, are you up for it?